
To export a report, click on the Reports button in the 3. Output part of the WORKFLOW tab.


After clicking on the button, you will be asked to pick a folder where to save the report. After you click on the Save button, the Export Report dialog shows up:


Select one of the available templates, and once it is generated, it will be opened in your web browser.

Predefined Templates

Adjusting the Predefined and Adding New Report Templates

The predefined templates are in HTML format. You can edit them or create new ones. You can find the HTML templates in the installation folder C:\Program Files\Capturing Reality\RealityCapture\Reports. You can also change and define the style of the reports by editing the CSS files.


Note: We recommend you to back up the edited template and style files to your local drive, since they will be replaced by the software update or reinstallation.

If you want to add a new template, go to the installation folder C:\Program Files\Capturing Reality\RealityCapture and edit the report.xml file. There you can define a path to your template file. It is better to use a path to your local hard drive and store your templates locally in order not to lose them during the software update or reinstallation. You can store locally also the modified style files. Paths to the style files are directly in the templates.

Templates contain also special functions and variables. You can learn more about them in the next part of this tutorial.

Custom Report Template

Learn how to create your own, personalized report template