Reality Capture Node

Node is a system service acting as a bridge between a custom application and RealityCapture. It supports REST-like API for managing RealityCapture sessions, uploading and downloading session files, and running CLI commands.

RealityCapture Node can be started either from RealityCapture, or directly from the RealityCapture installation folder. To run it from RealityCapture, just go to the Analyze part in the ALIGNMENT tab and use the Real-time Assistance tool. This should automatically start a RealityCaptureNode (you can find it in the Windows System Tray). To start it from the RealityCapture installation folder, just run the RCNode.exe file or call it from the command prompt. Here is an example:

"C:\Program Files\Capturing Reality\RealityCapture\RCNode.exe" -hostAddress -port 7878 -landingPage "\/static/MyApp.html"

Currently, there is a single method of authentication, using a Bearer HTTP Authorization header with a GUID token. This token is sent as a GET parameter when opening the landing page. This token is required by all API calls (except the static HTTP server). If you are connecting to a node directly, note that the connection is not secure, and therefore relies on a private and secured Local Area Network.

API Methods - Node

The API methods affecting the node

API Methods - Project

The API methods affecting the project