Camera Priors

Priors are data (camera/scene information) known before alignation. They may be used to influence quality of alignation. They can be fixed, approximate or completely unknown.

Pose, calibration and lens distortion priors can all be set when selecting an image or more of them in the selection panel:

Prior Pose

The following parameters define what we know about a certain camera position:


Prior Calibration

The following parameters provide you with information on internal camera calibration (focal point, projection center and so on):


Prior Lens Distortion

Define information about your optics:


By default, the lens distortion model is set to "No lens distortion" with prior set to "Approximate". This means that RC tries to find a solution where lens distortion is as close to zero as possible. This is not realistic if images suffer from a visible lens aberration. In such case, you should either define proper distortion coefficients or set the lens prior to "Unknown".

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