Parametric Files of Orthographic Projections

When creating orthographic projections using the command -calculateOrthoProjection, a parametric file with the .rcortho extension is used to define parameters of a rendered orthographic projection. Let us take a closer look at its content.

*.rcortho for Calculation of Orthographic Projections

When using the command -calculateOrthoProjection, the application loads the parameters from a specified params.rcortho file. The file can be generated in a suitable format by creating an orthographic projection manually, exporting it into any format, and setting exportProjectionParametersFile to True during the export.
An example of the .rcortho file content for calculation of an orthographic projection:

<OrthoProjection width="10011" height="8076" name="Ortho projection 1" modelName="Model 1"
    colorType="texturing" boxSideConerIndex="13" bEmpty="0" backFaceColorType="1" backFaceColor="2130706687">
    <Header magic="5787472" version="1"/>
<ReconstructionRegion globalCoordinateSystem="NONE" globalCoordinateSystemName="NONE" isGeoreferenced="0"
    isLatLon="0" yawPitchRoll="0 -0 -0">
    <widthHeightDepth>29.8926887512207 29.9313926696777 24.1154346466064</widthHeightDepth>
    <Header magic="5395016" version="2"/>
        <centre>-0.098011314868927 0.0846212208271027 12.4095182418823</centre>
    <Residual R="1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1" t="0 0 0" s="1"/>
<DTMParams classificationLayerId="-1">
  <ClassificationParams modelType="nature" postprocessType="soft_edges" sensitivity="0.5"/>
  <Header magic="1480868688" version="1"/>

We can generate the file in a suitable format by creating an orthographic projection manually, exporting it into any format and setting exportProjectionParametersFile to True when exporting.
The first part of the file indicates the parameters needed to create a projection.


The second part describes parameters of a reconstruction region whose one side represents a projected plane. This part can be obtained by setting the reconstruction region manually and then exporting it.

The third part (between "DTMParams" tags) contains the parameters needed to create a digital terrain model (DTM).


To learn more about the point cloud classification, visit this page.

Learn How to Use Them

See a tutorial for the command line interface