Classify Your Model

To "Classify Your Model" means to divide the vertices of the model into classes. This step is necessary to create a Digital Terrain Model, which can be generated during the creation of orthographic projection.
Classification is done on a model that is meshed. Classification tool can be found in the Mesh Model section of the SCENE 3D/TOOLS tab. After choosing the AI Classify tool, an AI Tool panel will appear:


WARNING: To create a classification, your model has to be created with pre-defined Reconstruction Region.

Selected Class

The created classification can be found in the 1Ds view under the model that was classified, under the Model Classes. Once you select the created classification and/or its classes, you can find more details in the Selected Classification tables.


Edit Classification

Classification can be manually edited by clicking on the class you want to edit, under the desired classification in the 1Ds view, and selecting the part of the model (i.e. with the Lasso tool from the section Mesh Model in the SCENE 3D/TOOLS tab) that will be reassigned to another layer. After the selection is executed, an Override classification button will appear. By overriding the selected part of the model, it will be reassigned to the selected layer of the classification.


Classification can be also edited automatically by selecting the part of the model, that is to be edited and running the classification again with different settings. This method is usable when there are different types of terrain in the model.
After classification is complete and it is established that some parts of the modelcan be improved upon with different settings, open the AI Classify tool, change the settings, and choose Classify selection according to settings. RealityCapture will reclassify the selected part of the model.


Image Labels Classification

It is possible to classify your model with before-hand classified images. Divide objects in your images into colors which you want to have in the classification. It is possible to use max 250 classes for one dataset.


It is not necessary to edit all photos, few will be enough, just make sure to cover all places you want to be separated. Classified images should be imported as a label layer. You can read more about image layers here.

This kind of classification, just as the regular classification, can be done once the model is created. Select the created model and click the AI Classify tool in the SCENE 3D/TOOLS tab. In the AI Tool panel there is a section Transfer labels from images.


In order to use the label layer for point cloud classification, press Transfer labels. The created classification can be found in the 1Ds view under the model that was classified, under the Model Classes. Once you select the specific Class, you can find more details in the Selected Classification table.


It is possible to edit the classes in the same way as any other classification created in RealityCapture. Please check the section Edit Classification above.

Orthographic Projection

Learn how to create an orthographic projection

See also: