CLI Settings for Selections

Some selections can have their settings and parameters changed using the CLI commands: inputs, control points, constraints and ortho projections. These commands require a key (identifying the setting you want to change) and a value. The tables below contain keys and values for the settings that can be changed.

Almost every setting has two possible keys that can be used. The upper key (blue) is usually an abbreviation of the setting, and the lower key (gray) is the whole path to the setting based on the panel in which it can be found.

Input Selection

These settings can be found in the Selected Inputs panel and they can be changed with the -editInputSelection command.

Name Key Value Value Definition
How to use masking layer inpMaskOpts
How to use masking layer
0 Do not use
1 Only in alignment
2 Only in meshing
3 Both in alignment and meshing
Features source aligFeaturesMode
Features source
0 Merge using overlaps
1 Use component features
2 Use all image features
Visible inpVisible
true Enable camera cone in the 3Ds view
false Disable camera cone in the 3Ds view
Enable alignment inpEnabled
Enable alignment
true Enable in the alignment process
false Disable in the alignment process
Enable meshing inpMeshing
Enable meshing
true Enable in the reconstruction process
false Disable in the reconstruction process
Enable texturing and coloring inpTexturing
Enable texturing and coloring
true Enable in the coloring and texturing process
false Disable in the coloring and texturing process
Weight in texturing inpImageColorsWeight
Weight in texturing
float A value between 0 and 1 that determines the weight of an input in the texture calculation
Color correction reference inpColorRef
Color correction reference
true Enable as a color etalon in the color‐correction processes
false Disable as a color etalon in the color‐correction processes
Color correction inpColorNorm
Color correction
true Enable in the color‐correction calculation
false Disable in the color‐correction calculation
Downscale for depth maps inpImageDepthMapDownscale
Downscale for depth maps
int Any positive whole number
Prior Pose Settings
Locked pose group inpPosePriorRelativeGroup
Prior pose/Locked pose group
string Any alphanumeric value
Relative pose inpPosePriorRelative
Prior pose/Relative pose
0 Unknown
1 Draft
2 Exact
Absolute pose inpPose
Prior pose/Absolute pose
0 Unknown
1 Position
2 Position and orientation
3 Locked
x inpTx
Prior pose/x
float Any number
y inpTy
Prior pose/y
float Any number
z inpTz
Prior pose/z
float Any number
Yaw / Heading inpRx float Any value between −180 and 180
Pitch / Elevation inpRy float Any value between −90 and 90
Roll / Bank inpRz float Any value between −180 and 180
Latitude inpTy
Prior pose/Latitude
DMS A degrees/minutes/seconds value with the corresponding cardinal orientation as the prefix (e.g. N54,49,31.25)
decimal degree A decimal degree value with the corresponding cardinal orientation as the prefix (e.g. N54.825347)
Longitude inpTx
Prior pose/Longitude
float A degrees/minutes/seconds value with the corresponding cardinal orientation as the prefix (e.g. E32,08,25.18)
decimal degree A decimal degree value with the corresponding cardinal orientation as the prefix (e.g. E32.140328)
Altitude inpTz
Prior pose/Altitude
float Any number
Prior Pose / Pose Accuracy Settings
Accuracy settings source inpPriorAccuracyInh
Prior pose/Pose accuracy/Accuracy settings source
0 Global camera prior settings
1 Edit custom values
Position X accuracy inpuTx
Prior pose/Pose accuracy/Position X accuracy
float Any positive number or zero
Position Y accuracy inpuTy
Prior pose/Pose accuracy/Position Y accuracy
float Any positive number or zero
Position Z accuracy inpuTz
Prior pose/Pose accuracy/Position Z accuracy
float Any positive number or zero
Yaw accuracy inpuRx
Prior pose/Pose accuracy/Yaw accuracy
float Any positive number or zero
Pitch accuracy inpuRy
Prior pose/Pose accuracy/Pitch accuracy
float Any positive number or zero
Roll accuracy inpuRz
Prior pose/Pose accuracy/Roll accuracy
float Any positive number or zero
Latitude accuracy inpuTy
Prior pose/Pose accuracy/Latitude accuracy
float Any positive number or zero
Longitude accuracy inpuTx
Prior pose/Pose accuracy/Longitude accuracy
float Any positive number or zero
Altitude accuracy inpuTz
Prior pose/Pose accuracy/Altitude accuracy
float Any positive number or zero
Prior Calibration
Calibration group inpCalibrationGroup
Prior calibration/Calibration group
int Any positive whole number, zero or −1 (groupless)
Prior inpCalibration
Prior calibration/Prior
0 Unknown
1 Approximate
2 Fixed
Focal length (35mm) inpFocal
Prior calibration/Focal length (35mm)
float Any positive number
Principal point x [mm] inpPPX
Prior calibration/Principal point x [mm]
float Any number
Principal point y [mm] inpPPY
Prior calibration/Principal point y [mm]
float Any number
Skew inpSkew
Prior calibration/Skew
float Any number
Aspect ratio inpSkew
Prior calibration/Aspect ratio
float Any number
Prior Lens Distortion
Lens group inpLensGroup
Prior lens distortion/Lens group
int Any positive whole number, zero or −1 (groupless)
Prior inpDistortion
Prior lens distortion/Prior
0 Unknown
1 Approximate
2 Fixed
Camera model inpDistortionModel
Prior lens distortion/Camera model
0 No lens distortion
1 Division
2 Brown3
3 Brown4
4 Brown3 with tangential distortion
5 Brown4 with tangential distortion
Radial 1 inpRadial1
Prior lens distortion/Radial 1
float Any number
Radial 2 inpRadial2
Prior lens distortion/Radial 2
float Any number
Radial 3 inpRadial3
Prior lens distortion/Radial 3
float Any number
Radial 4 inpRadial4
Prior lens distortion/Radial 4
float Any number
Tangential 1 inpTangential1
Prior lens distortion/Tangential 1
float Any number
Tangential 2 inpTangential2
Prior lens distortion/Tangential 2
float Any number

Control Point Selection

With the following keys and values, you can change settings found in the Selected control point(s) panel using the -editControlPointSelection command.

Name Key Value Value Definition
Name gpName
string Any alphanumeric value
Enable gpEnabled
true Enable in the alignment process
false Disable in the alignment process
Enable gpType
0 Tie point
1 Ground control
2 Ground test
Weight gpWeight
float Any number
x gpP1
float Any number
y gpP2
float Any number
z gpP3
float Any number
Latitude gpP2
DMS A degrees/minutes/seconds value with the corresponding cardinal orientation as the prefix (e.g. N54,49,31.25)
decimal degree A decimal degree value with the corresponding cardinal orientation as the prefix (e.g. N54.825347)
Longitude gpP1
DMS A degrees/minutes/seconds value with the corresponding cardinal orientation as the prefix (e.g. N54,49,31.25)
decimal degree A decimal degree value with the corresponding cardinal orientation as the prefix (e.g. N54.825347)
Altitude gpP3
float Any number
Position Accuracy Settings
Position X accuracy gpuP1
Position accuracy/Position X accuracy
float Any positive number or zero
Position Y accuracy gpuP2
Position accuracy/Position Y accuracy
float Any positive number or zero
Position Z accuracy gpuP3
Position accuracy/Position Z accuracy
float Any positive number or zero
Latitude accuracy gpuP2
Position accuracy/Latitude accuracy
float Any positive number or zero
Longitude accuracy gpuP1
Position accuracy/Longitude accuracy
float Any positive number or zero
Altitude accuracy gpuP3
Position accuracy/Altitude accuracy
float Any positive number or zero

Constraint Selection

The following keys and values are used to change settings found in the Selected constraint(s) panel with the -editConstraintSelection command.

Name Key Value Value Definition
Name cName
string Any alphanumeric value
A cA
string The name of an existing control point
B cB
string The name of an existing control point
Enable cEnabled
true Enable in the alignment process
false Disable in the alignment process
Defined distance cValue1
Defined distance
float Any positive number
Accuracy Settings
Defined distance accuracy cValue1Acc
Accuracy/Defined distance accuracy
float Any positive number

Ortho Projection Selection

Use the following keys and values to change settings found in the Selected ortho projection(s) panel with the -editOrthoProjectionSelection command.

Name Key Value Value Definition
Name orthoProjectionName
string Any alphanumeric value

Learn how to use the Set Command

See the tutorial on the command-line interface