Settings' Commands

With these commands you can alter the application settings and behaviour directly from the command line.

Command Name Required Parameter Optional Parameter Description
set "key=value" Set an application state variable.
preset "key=value" Change an application setting during the setup phase. Ideal for changes that require a reset of the application. Learn more about how to use this command here.
silent crashReportPath Set a location for storing crash reports. The application will store the reports here instead of showing the upload wizard.
disableOnlineCommunication Disable any online communication.
importGlobalSettings settings.rcconfig Import application global settings from the settings.rcconfig file.
exportGlobalSettings settings.rcconfig Export application global settings to the settings.rcconfig file.
setProjectCoordinateSystem authority:id Set a project coordinate system defined by an authority, and its ID (can be found in a specific database, e.g. epsg.xml and local.xml).
setOutputCoordinateSystem authority:id Set an output coordinate system defined by an authority, and its ID (can be found in a specific database, e.g. epsg.xml and local.xml).

Examples of the Settings

RealityCapture.exe -set "sfmDistortionModel=Brown3" ^
-set "unwrapMaximalTexCount=1" ^
-set "unwrapStyle=1"

With the following commands, you can set the local Euclidean coordinate system as a project coordinate system, and the GPS (WGS84) with EPSG code 4326 as an output coordinate system:

RealityCapture.exe -setProjectCoordinateSystem Local:1 ^
-setOutputCoordinateSystem epsg:4326

Project and Image Commands

Manage the current project, the application itself and add images via CLI

Commands Outside Command Prompt

Using CLI with an .rccmd file

Delegation of Commands

On delegating commands into an opened instance of RealityCapture

Alignment Commands

Commands for alignment and component handling

Reconstruction Commands

Model calculation via the command line

Model Tools' Commands

Further model processing via the command line


Commands for handling potential errors

See also: