Full-body Scans

There are many possibilities how to use RealityCapture with different full-body scanners. They all depend on user's needs and scanner parameters.

Scanning options

Scan requirements:

Types of scanners:

Scans' usage:

Possible approaches

With a suitable combination of the options described above, there are 8 different approaches how to use RealityCapture in processing of full-body scans:

Approaches ( 1.a.i ) and ( 1.a.ii ) are described step by step in the video tutorial Coordinate system preservation with XMPs.

Approaches ( 1.b.i ) and ( 1.b.ii ) are described step by step in the video tutorial Coordinate system preservation with flight-log data.

In these 4 cases, only manual processing of scans in the user interface (UI) can be used, which is for approaches ( 2.a.i ) and ( 2.b.i ) described in more detail in the Quick Start tutorial. Automatic processing of scans in the command-line interface (CLI) in approaches ( 2.a.ii ) and ( 2.b.ii ) is not used because none of the available data and metadata can be reused suitably.


Watch step by step how to preserve a coordinate system reusing alignment

Flight-log CS Preservation

Watch step by step how to preserve a coordinate system reusing camera poses