Selection of Triangles in 3D
When you want to select some triangles in your reconstructed model, just select a tool in the Mesh Model part of the SCENE 3D/TOOLS tab.
These selections apply with all reconstruction tools, e.g. the filtration, simplification,
orthographic projection, and smoothing.
You can choose from the following selection tools:
Rect: Left-click, hold and move the mouse to select triangles with a rectangle.
Lasso: Left-click, hold and move the mouse in a circular way.
Box: Left-click and move the mouse to define the box base,
left-click and move the cursor again to define the box height. You can now select/deselect triangles inside/outside the box,
when clicking the respective button in the Box Selection Tool in the 1Ds panel.
Expand: This function expands the current selection to all transitively connected triangles. To be able to click the button, you need to create a selection of triangles with another selection tool.
Advanced: The Advanced Selection Tools enable you to:
- Select marginal triangles: Marginal triangles are triangles added by the reconstruction algorithm, and ensure its watertightness.
- Select largest connected component
- Select large/small triangles:
Selects all triangles with at least one edge longer/shorter than threshold, which is calculated as the average edge length multiplied by a user-defined value in the Edge threshold multiplier field.
Select All: This function selects all triangles in the current 3D scene.
Deselect clears any present selection of triangles.
Invert changes your current selection to the rest of the model triangles.
TIP: You can modify your selections also using CTRL for union, SHIFT
for subtraction, and CTRL + SHIFT for intersection.