Customize Export Formats
If you need to export additional information or change one of the existing export formats, some export formats can be customized according to your specific requirements and preferences. Those exports are: registration, ground control points, control points, point cloud, ortho photo, cross sections, contours, depth and mask images, reconstruction region, reports, and Map Wizard reports.
To customize these exports, you will need to edit the corresponding files in the installation directory. If the installation destination was not changed during setup, you can find them here:
C:\Program Files\Capturing Reality\RealityCapture
Export File Structure
Each export file has a certain structure, and the used elements and attributes can depend on your needs and the writer attribute.
<format id="" mask="" descID="" desc="" writer="" requiresGeoref="" requiresEqualResolution="" undistortImages="" exportImages="" supportsGeoref="" specificCoordSystem="" requires="">
<parameter name="" type="" default="" variable="" hint=""/>
- <format> Defines the parameters and attributes of the export.
- id (optional) A unique identification number (GUID).
- mask Format extension of the exported file. For example, using *.xyz will export an XYZ file.
- descID (optional) A unique internal identification number for language localization.
- desc The name of the file format displayed in the export dialog.
- writer The export format structure depends on the chosen writer. Certain writers cannot be fully customized.
- requiresGeoref (optional) Use and set it to 1 if the component needs to be georeferenced to have this export format as an option. Set it to 0 to have this option even if the component is not georeferenced.
- requiresEqualResolution (optional) Use and set it to 1 to enable the Undistortion settings in the export dialog, and have the option to set the custom image width and height. It is a supplementary attribute to the undistortImages attribute. Set it to 0 to remove the custom width and height options.
- undistortImages (optional) Use and set it to always to display the Undistortion settings in the export dialog. It is a supplementary attribute to the exportImages attribute. Set it to never to remove the custom width and height options.
- exportImages (optional) Use and set it to 1 to enable the image export options in the export dialog.
- supportsGeoref (optional) Use and set it to 1 to display the transformation settings in the export dialog. Set it to 0 to remove the transformation settings.
- specificCoordSystem (optional) Use and set it to 1 to enable the ability to set the Coordinate system in the export dialog to the project output options.
- requires (optional) Specify what needs to be in the project and be selected to see this export option. It can be set to: component, model, GCP (ground control points), cpm (control point measurements), projection (ortho projection), dtm (Digital Terrain Model), crosssections, isolines (contours), or georeferenced.
- <parameter> (optional) Edit the existing export parameters or create your own.
- name The parameter's name will be shown in the export dialog.
- type Set the data type. Options are bool, integer, float, and value.
- default Default value shown in the export dialog.
- variable The name of the parameter that can be used as a variable in the body element will be shown in the parameters file (params.xml).
- hint Create a tooltip for the parameter. To see the tooltip, hover your mouse over the parameter in the export dialog.
- <body>
The content of the exported file. This element uses the functions and variables of the reporting system and is not usable with every writer option.
The Writer Attribute
The writer attribute specifies the usable parameters and the overall content of the exported file. Some writer options use integrated file formats and cannot be fully customized.
Only the formats with the <body> element can have the content customized, but not every writer option can have that element. Some of them have an integrated file format, and their content cannot be changed. The list of writer options without the <body> element includes:
- rca Writer for the RealityCapture Alignment Component export (.rcalign).
- CapturingReality.Export.STMaps Only used for exporting ST Maps.
- CapturingReality.Export.OrthoExport Used with the Ortho Projection, Digital Surface Model, and Digital Terrain Model exports.
- CapturingReality.Export.ModelCrossSections Used for the export of cross sections.
- CapturingReality.Export.DepthAndMaskImages Used for exporting depth and mask images.
- CapturingReality.Export.Isolines Dedicated to export of contours.
- CapturingReality.Export.ReconstructionRegion Used for export of the reconstruction region.
Using a writer option that has the <body> element enables you to use the reporting system functions and variables to create the content of the exported file. The usable reporting system function sets depend on the chosen writer option.
- csv Used for general textual exports. The usable function sets are BasicExportFunctionSet, ConfigExportFunctionSet , and SfmExportFunctionSet.
- CapturingReality.Export.ControlPoints Used for the export of control points and ground control points. The usable function sets are the same as for the csv writer, with the addition of the ControlPointsExportFunctionSet.
- CapturingReality.Export.ReportWriter Used for the report or the Map Wizard report export. All function sets are usable with this writer.