Function sets are made of various functions, expressions and variables that can be used only when a certain function set has been evoked. To evoke a set, use function $Using. Find out more about this function here.
Function sets:
CameraErrorsExportFunctionSet - information about the camera errors
ComponentFunctionSet - returns information about the component
ConfigExportFunctionSet - functions used with the variables in the settings
ContoursFunctionSet - use to get information about the contours
ControlPointsExportFunctionSet - export information about the control points and their measurements
DistanceConstraintsExportFunctionSet - export information about the distance constraints
HelperFunctionSet - import auxiliary helping functions
ImageExportFunctionSet - save an image or gets its information
InputsFunctionSet - get basic information about images and cameras
IteratorsFunctionSet - iterate through various elements in the project
LocalizationExportFunctionSet - use to get localized text
MapExportFunctionSet - export map and its information
MisalignmentFunctionSet - export misaligned points and cameras
ModelExportFunctionSet - get information about the model and its textures
OrthoMeasurementFunctionSet - get information about the ortho measurements and projection's boundary values
OrthoProjectionFunctionSet - export informaiton about ortho projections
ProjectInformationExportFunctionSet - general information about the project
RelativeCameraUncertaintyFunctionSet - information about the relative camera uncertainty (position precision between cameras)
SfmExportFunctionSet - get information about the cameras, images and points of a component
SfmHistogramExportFunctionSet - create histograms
EditorFunctionSetGroup - import all function sets
Available functions:
CameraErrors - this function can be used to output information on camera errors and track lengths (Cameras Scope).
Available functions:
ComponentInfo - this function can be used to output basic information on a component (Components Scope).
ComponentStats - this function can be used to output alignment precision information and statistics on a component (Components Scope).
ComponentSettings - this function can be used to output information on alignment settings (Components Scope).
Available functions:
GetProperty - it outputs the value of the variable in the configuration. If the variable does not exist then it outputs the default value (Basic Scope).
SetProperty - it sets the value of the variable in the configuration (Basic Scope).
ResetProperty - it erases variable from the configuration (Basic Scope).
Available variables:
Variables defined in RealityCapture configurations.
Available functions:
IterateContourSets - this function iterates contour sets of a chosen ortho projection (Ortho Scope).
ExportContourSet - this function can be used to output the information about the contour set (Ortho Scope).
Available expression functions:
GetNumberOfContourSets - it erases variable from the configuration (Ortho Scope).
GetSelectedContourSetId - it erases variable from the configuration (Ortho Scope).
GetSimplifyingFactor - it erases variable from the configuration (Ortho Scope).
Available functions:
ExportControlPoints - this function has one function and several variables that can be used to output information on all control points (Control Points Scope).
ExportControlPointsMeasurements - this function iterates all measurements of all control points. For each control point it exports all images to which a given control point has been assigned (Control Points Scope).
Available functions:
ExportDistanceConstraints - this function has several variables that can be used to output information on all or just the selected distance constraints (Control Points Scope).
DistanceConstraintError - this function has several variables that can be used to output information on all or just the selected distance constraints (Control Points Scope).
Available functions:
ToGpsLat - this function outputs the latitude coordinate as a value in degrees to degrees, minutes and seconds (Basic Scope).
ToGpsLon - this function outputs the longitude coordinate as a value in degrees to degrees, minutes and seconds (Basic Scope).
ToDMS - this function can be used to convert an input value in degrees to degrees, minutes and seconds (Basic Scope).
FormatTime - outputs time in format "dd hh:mm:ss" (Basic Scope).
Available expression functions:
ToPseudoMercatorLat - result is euclidean y coordinate in pseudo mercator (Basic Scope).
ToPseudoMercatorLon - result is euclidean x coordinate in pseudo mercator (Basic Scope).
Available functions:
SaveImage - this function saves an image (Images Scope).
GetImageInfo - this function has several variables that can be used to output basic information on an image (Images Scope).
Available functions:
ExportImageResolutionStats - this function can be used to output all image resolutions with image counts (Images Scope).
ExportCameraModels - this function has several variables that can be used to output basic information on an image (Images Scope).
ExportInputsGrouping - this function has several variables that can be used to output basic information on an image (Images Scope).
Available functions:
SelectComponent - selects a component for internal use of the IteratorsFunctionSet function set. It only affects functions IterateImages and IterateCameras and can be evoked before or inside of those functions (Components Scope).
IterateImages - this function has several variables that can be used to output information on each input in a project (Images Scope).
IterateCameras - this function can be used to get indexes of all cameras and indexes of the corresponding images in the selected component (Cameras Scope).
IterateComponents - this function can be used to output basic information on all components. (Components Scope).
IterateModels - this function can be used to output basic information on all models in a component (Models Scope).
IterateControlPoints - this function can be used to output basic information on all control points (Control Points Scope).
IterateMeasurements - this function iterates all measurements of a control point. It exports all images which the given control point has been assigned to (Control Points Scope).
Available functions:
SetLocalization - sets path to the file with localized strings (localization file) (Basic Scope).
Localize - it searches for a string mapped to the string ID in a localization file. It outputs the found string, if it exists. Otherwise it outputs default text. (Basic Scope).
Available functions:
ExportMap - this function creates and saves a map cutout (Map Scope).
GetExportedMapInfo - this function creates and saves a map cutout (Map Scope).
Available expression functions:
MapProviderCredentialsAreValid - result is a BOOL value (true/false). In case the provider is valid, returns value "true" (Map Scope).
MapProviderCredentialsAreNeeded - result is a BOOL value (true/false). In case the credentials are needed, returns value "true" (Map Scope).
Available functions:
ExportMisalignmentPoints - this function can be used to export point indices and their misalignments (Points Scope).
ExportMisalignmentCameras - this function can be used to get misalignment information about the cameras (Cameras Scope).
Available functions:
ExportModels - this function can be used to output detailed information on all models in the selected component (Models Scope).
RenderMesh - exports an image of the model as a separate file (Models Scope).
RenderMeshFromCustomPositionYPR - render an image from a custom position using the orienation values (Models Scope).
RenderMeshFromCustomPositionLookAt - render an image from a custom position using a custom look-at position (Models Scope).
Available expression functions:
GetNumberOfModels - returns a number of models created under a certain component (Models Scope).
Available functions:
IterateOrthoMeasurements - this function iterates through ortho measurements (Ortho Scope).
IterateOrthoBoundarySamples - this function iterates through boundary points of a region (2D) (Ortho Scope).
IterateOrthoBoundaryVertices - this function iterates through boundary points of a region (3D) (Ortho Scope).
Available expression functions:
GetNumberOfOrthoMeasurements - return number of regions on an ortho projection (Ortho Scope).
Available functions:
IterateOrthoProjections - this function iterates selected ortho projections, or if none is selected, then it iterates all ortho projections (Ortho Scope).
OrthoProjectionVolume - this function can be used to output volumes and surfaces of an ortho projection (Ortho Scope).
OrthoProjectionTiming - return time it took to calculate individual parts of an ortho projection (Ortho Scope).
BeginOrthoProjections - this function can be used to project 3D points into orthographic images (Ortho Scope).
SaveOrtho - this function saves an ortho image into a selected folder (Ortho Scope).
SaveOrthoWithRegions - this function saves an ortho image with regions into a selected folder (Ortho Scope).
ExportOrthoProjection - this function can be used to output information on an ortho projection (Ortho Scope).
IterateOrthoMapTiles - this function is available only for georeferenced components (Ortho Scope).
IterateOrthoMapPalette - this function iterates colors and values of a palette of altitude or depth layer of an ortho projection (Ortho Scope).
Available functions:
ExportProjectInfo - this function has several variables that can be used to output basic information on the project (Basic Scope).
Available variables:
appLanguage - language tag (code) for the selected UI language of RealityCapture (Basic Scope).
programDataLangPackFolder - a path to the folder that containt the language pack (Basic Scope).
true - the BOOL value "true" (Basic Scope).
false - the BOOL value "false" (Basic Scope).
Available functions:
ExportRelativeCameraPositionUncertainty - this function gives information about the relative camera position uncertainty (Cameras Scope).
CovToEllipse2D - this function calculates uncertainty ellipses out of the covariance values (Cameras Scope).
Available functions:
ExportCameras - this function can be used to output information on the selected cameras or about all registered cameras in the selected component (Cameras Scope).
ExportImagePriors - this function has several variables that can be used to output prior information on individual inputs (Images Scope).
ExportPoints - this function can be used to output information on each registered point (Points Scope).
ExportPointsEx - this function can be used to output information on specified registered points (Points Scope).
Available expression functions:
GetPointCount - result is number of points which can be seen by at least one selected camera, with specified flags and which is seen by at least minimal number of set track, and at most maximal number of set tracks (Points Scope).
ImageToCameraIndex - result is camera index of specified image (Cameras Scope).
Available variables:
cameraCount - the number of all / selected cameras registered in a selected component (Basic Scope).
pointCount - the number of registered points in a selected component (Basic Scope).
measurementCount - the number of measurements in a selected component (Basic Scope).
commonWidth - the width of an undistorted image (Basic Scope).
commonHeight - the height of an undistorted image (Basic Scope).
isGeoreferenced - outputs 1 if a selected component is geo-referenced, 0 if it is not (Basic Scope).
isCoordSystemLatLon - true if the output coordinate system is Geographic, false if it is Cartesian (Basic Scope).
units - outputs the measurement unit of a selected component, e.g. meter (Basic Scope).
unitsShort - outputs the short name of the measurement unit, e.g. m (Basic Scope).
coordSystemName - name of the output coordinate system if a selected component is geo-referenced (isGeoreferenced variable has value 1), otherwise it outputs "Grid Plane" (Basic Scope).
coordSystemUnit2Meter - (Basic Scope).
displayScale - recommended size of one unit for rendering (Basic Scope).
anchorX - the X coordinate of the anchor(Basic Scope).
anchorY - the Y coordinate of the anchor(Basic Scope).
anchorZ - the Z coordinate of the anchor(Basic Scope).
aR00 - an element of the anchor rotation matrix w.r.t. to the anchor coordinate system (Basic Scope).
aR01 - an element of the anchor rotation matrix w.r.t. to the anchor coordinate system (Basic Scope).
aR02 - an element of the anchor rotation matrix w.r.t. to the anchor coordinate system (Basic Scope).
aR10 - an element of the anchor rotation matrix w.r.t. to the anchor coordinate system (Basic Scope).
aR11 - an element of the anchor rotation matrix w.r.t. to the anchor coordinate system (Basic Scope).
aR12 - an element of the anchor rotation matrix w.r.t. to the anchor coordinate system (Basic Scope).
aR20 - an element of the anchor rotation matrix w.r.t. to the anchor coordinate system (Basic Scope).
aR21 - an element of the anchor rotation matrix w.r.t. to the anchor coordinate system (Basic Scope).
aR22 - an element of the anchor rotation matrix w.r.t. to the anchor coordinate system (Basic Scope).
anchorYaw - the yaw value of the anchor (Basic Scope).
anchorPitch - the pitch value of the anchor (Basic Scope).
anchorRoll - the roll value of the anchor (Basic Scope).
Available functions:
TiePointsHistogram - this function can be used to output histogram of the maximal tie points errors. For each tie point, there is its maximal projection error (a projection to the image with the highest error) in pixels. (Points Scope).
TracksStats - this function can be used to output a histogram of tie points track lengths. (Points Scope).
CreateHistogram - this function can be used to output a histogram. It creates steps or bins. Every bin has its own interval with size "1/((maxValue-minValue)*steps)". Every bin has 0 elements in it (Basic Scope).
Learn how to create custom report templates
Project information, exporter scope, and basic function set
Learn how to export information about project images
Component export functions and variables
Learn how to get information about cameras
Learn how to add custom point statics to reports
Check the list of control points and constraints functionalities
Learn how to generate model reports
See the list of ortho projection export functions
See the list of map export functions