Volume and Surface Measurements

Volume and surface measurements are calculated based on the shapes created on the ortho projection, so it is necessary to have at least one ortho projection, with shapes created using tools in the 2D TOOLS context tab.

Once you have created at least one shape, select it and Selected 2D region(s) panel will show up.


It is possible to select multiple shapes, and to check the combined volume and area information of those shapes.

Volume info

Volume information is divided into Cut volume (volume above the base plane) and Fill volume (volume below the base plane), and it is calculated from the defined base plane to the surface of the model. Change Base plane type setting to choose the base plane:

Setting Show base plane enables users to display the chosen base plane in the 3D view. If Flat at min. and max. height type was chosen, users will have an option do display top, or bottom base plane, or to not display any of the planes.

Area info

There are only two values which define the area:

Ortho Selection Tools

Learn how to use ortho selection tools

See also: