Laser Scan Registration

You have successfully imported a laser scan or more of them. This point onwards you can continue like if the imported laser scans were ordinary images. This means registration, meshing, texturing and coloring and everything else works exactly like for images.

There is no laser scan in this project. Please return to the previous step and add an .lsp file to this project or import a laser scan.

Next Steps

To register all inputs, click the Align images button or press the F6 key.
RealityCapture registration engine processes every .lsp file depending on the registration option which was chosen during the scan import as follows:

After alignment, RealityCapture will display a fraction of 3D points and scanner poses in the 3D scene view.
Note that you can add additional images, control points or place constraints to improve the registration quality. This affects only unregistered or draft-registered inputs. In case of fully-registered inputs, you must provide consistent data, i.e. control points, coordinates and distances must be consistent with the input coordinates and dimensions.

Align inputs to continue.


Define a reconstruction region, create a mesh and calculate coloring

See also: