Managing Ortho Projections

Managing orthographic projections is particularly useful when importing a model into a new project. Color layer and digital surface model with depth, and altitude layer are stored with each ortho projection. Alternatively, you can also render digital terrain model with depth and altitude layers. This tutorial will show you how to display, process and export them into different formats.


You must have an ortho projection created. Click here to learn how to create an ortho projection.

Displaying an Ortho Projection

Ortho projections can be displayed in the 2D view. Go to the 1Ds view in the left panel and find the ortho projection that you want to display. It is located under the component that was used to create a model from which the ortho projection was rendered. Now CLICK on the chosen ortho projection and DRAG AND DROP it into a 2D view.

When an ortho projection is displayed in the 2D view, the ORTHO 2D context tab shows up in the application ribbon. In the ORTHO 2D/VIEW tab you can choose which layer you want to display in the Source part. This way you can see how the exported ortho projection is going to look. You can also change which objects can be seen on the ortho projection. To access tools which can be used on the ortho projection, export an ortho projection or objects created on it go to the ORTHO 2D/TOOLS tab.


If your projection is georeferenced, you can DRAG AND DROP it into the map view to see its geo location and whether it is correctly located. For more information on the map view click here.

You can also sample an ortho projection into a regular grid using the Sample Points tool in the Tools part of the ORTHO 2D/TOOLS tab. You can learn more about the Sample Points tool here.

Batch Processing

It is also possible to batch-process multiple orthographic projections. This is for the execution of multiple orthographic projections simultaneously.


Within your orthographic projections, you can measure distances and control surfaces and volumes.

You can find information for the surfaces, and volumes of the selected ortho projection in the Selected ortho photo(s) panel:

In the ORTHO 2D/TOOLS context tab, you can find the Measure Distance tool. This tool can be used to measure both 2D and 3D distances between two points represented by endpoints of the displayed line segment.

When you hover your mouse over an ortho displayed in the 2D view, you can also see GPS coordinates and the coordinate system for each point your mouse points at.


You can export selected ortho projection(s) as Ortho Photo, Digital Surface model, or Digital Terrain Model. These three options vary in the information they provide, so select the preferred option for your purposes.
If multiple ortho projections are selected, then all selected ortho projections are exported.

To export an ortho projection go to WORKFLOW tab or the ORTHO context tab. Select an option, into which an ortho projection(s) can be exported. A dialog box for saving a file will pop up. Enter the file name and specify a desired file format. Then Click Save. After you click the Save button, the Export dialog box will appear:

Export Ortho Photo


Export Digital Surface Model and Digital Terrain Model

The export of the Digital Surface Model and Digital Terrain Model uses the same settings as the Ortho Photo export, with additional options outlined below.


NOTE: It is recommended to use the Map ortho-projection type when exporting to KML or KMZ format.