This tutorial will introduce you to naming of running instances of RealityCapture, delegating commands into one of them, pausing, aborting and checking processes via the command-line interface.
RealityCapture allows you to open up to 4 instances at once. This means that you can have 4 projects open in RealityCapture at the same time.
When using the command-line interface, you can name individual instances and then delegate commands into an already opened instance – with the use of the command setInstanceName
with a parameter instanceName. The name of the instance cannot contain spaces.
EXAMPLE - the following will set the name of the instance to RC1:
You can delegate a command or a sequence of commands to an already opened instance of RealityCapture using the command delegateTo with these 2 parameters:
instanceName and commandsDefinition. Instead of instanceName, you can use the star symbol (*).
In this case, the command is delegated to the first instance found.
EXAMPLE 1 - to add an image to the first, already opened instance of RealityCapture, write:
EXAMPLE 2 - for adding an image to the instance of RealityCapture named RC1, use:
EXAMPLE 3 - this adds every fifth image from a specified folder, aligns the images, saves the project and quits the app:
There is also the command waitCompleted for pausing the execution of other commands until the current process is finished. When using this command along with the parameter
instanceName (or the * symbol), the following commands are executed only once the process is finished in the instance that the command is referring to. See the example below.
EXAMPLE - run alignment in the first instance found, wait with the batch execution until the alignment process is finished and then check the result of the process:
Use the command getStatus along with instanceName (or an asterisk "*") to return the progress of a running instance.
EXAMPLE - retrieves the current status from an already opened instance RC1:
RESULT - in the console of that specific instance, you will get the result in the form of the progress ID, progress percentage of the current process, elapsed time, and estimated time:
You can also print the result of getStatus to an external text file. The command would look as such:
You can use commands pauseInstance, unpauseInstance, and abortInstance
along with the parameter instanceName (or a * symbol) to control the currently running processes inside of an opened instance of RealityCapture. This is beneficial
mainly when processing on servers or render farms. These commands allow you to pause a current process in case there is a need to run the process with a higher priority.
Afterwards, you can again unpause the previous process, when needed. Alternatively, you can abort the process completely.
EXAMPLE - pause a process running in the instance RC1:
Manage the current project, the application itself and add images via CLI
Using CLI with an .rccmd file
Commands for alignment and component handling
Model calculation via the command line
Further model processing via the command line
Application settings and behaviour
Commands for handling potential errors