Many features of RealityCapture can be used directly via the command line or by running a batch file. They are passed to the application as parameters of RealityCapture.exe and executed in a sequence. The process behaves in a similar way as if the features were called using the GUI. The application will launch and you can interact with it as usual during the calculations.
You can run a command sequence in the Windows Command Prompt or by running a file with .bat extension. This is an example of the command sequence. It starts by launching the application with its full path. Every command begins with a hyphen and it can be follower by parameters.
To replace the full application path with a simple RealityCapture.exe command, store the path in a system variable path.
Add the following line to the beginning of your script in order to temporarily add the RealityCapture folder to the path (until the end of the command-line session).
The following are the most basic commands that let you control the current project, the application itself, and add images.
Command Name | Required Parameter | Optional Parameter | Description |
headless | Hides user interface. Find more about this command here. | ||
newScene | Create a new empty scene. | ||
load | MyProject.rcproj | recoverAutosave|deleteAutosave | Load an existing project from the MyProject.rcproj file. Use optional parameters to define the action if there is an autosaved file present for this project. Using recoverAutosave will open the autosaved project, while deleteAutosave will delete the autosaved project and load the original one.
More information about Autosave feature here. To set the preference globally for all projects, use set command with appAutoSaveCliHandling key. Find more information in the section CLI Settings Keys & Values. |
save | MyProject.rcproj | Save the current project to its original location or save as MyProject.rcproj. | |
start | Run the processes configured for the Start button. Adjust these settings in Application Settings under Start button settings. | ||
unlockPPIProject | myProject.rcproj | Save and unlock your PPI projects to make them compatible for use with the latest RealityCapture versions. Use the whole path with the project's name and extension where you want to store the unlocked project. | |
add | imageName | Add an image or image list. | |
addFolder | folderName | Add all images in the specified folder. In order to include also subdirectories, use command set with a key appIncSubdirs as follows: -set "appIncSubdirs=true". Find more information in the section CLI Settings Keys & Values. | |
importVideo | videoFileName extractedVideoFramesLocation jumpsLength |
Import frames extracted from a video (videoFileName including the path). The frames are extracted into a folder (extractedVideoFramesLocation) using an interval between frames defined by the jumpsLength (in seconds). | |
importLeicaBlk3D | fileName | Import an image sequence with .cmi extension (fileName including path) captured by Leica BLK3D. | |
importLaserScan | laserScanName | params.xml | Add a laser scan or a laser-scan list using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the application in the Laser Scan Import dialog. |
importLaserScanFolder | folderName | params.xml | Add all laser scans in the specified folder using settings from the params.xml file. You can export these settings from the application in the Laser Scan Import dialog. |
importHDRimages | fileName|folderName|imageList | params.xml | Import HDR image (imageName), list of images (imageList) or all images from a folder (folderName) using the current settings or the settings from params.xml. You can export these settings from the application in the 16-bit/HDR Images Import dialog. |
addImageWithCalibration | fileName xmpFileName |
Import an image as well as the corresponding XMP file. Use whole paths to the files. | |
importImageSelection | fileName | Select scene images and/or laser scans listed in a file (fileName including the path). | |
selectImage | imagePath|regexp | set union sub intersect toggle |
Select a specified image (imagePath) or images defined by regular expression (regexp). See below examples. One of the optional parameters may be used to more select images with more flexibility. |
selectAllImages | Select all images in the project. | ||
deselectAllImages | Deselect all images in the project. | ||
invertImageSelection | Invert the current image selection. | ||
removeCalibrationGroups | Clear all inputs from their calibration groups. | ||
setImageLayer | index pathImage layerType | Set the layer from the image defined with the pathImage parameter (path to the layer image) to the image defined with the index parameter. Index corresponds to the image order in the 1Ds view and it starts at 0 (zero). The layerType parameter defines which layer to set onto the chosen image (e.g. mask, texture). | |
setImagesLayer | pathImage layerType | Set the layer from the image defined with the pathImage parameter (path to the layer image) to the selection of images. The layerType parameter defines which layer to set onto the selected images (e.g. mask, texture). | |
removeImageLayer | layerType | Remove the layers corresponding to the layerType parameter (e.g. mask, texture) from the selected images. | |
importCache | folderName | Import resource cache data from the specified folder. | |
clearCache | Clear the application cache. You must save the project before clearing the application cache. | ||
execRCCMD | Commands.rccmd | Execute commands listed in the .rccmd file. You can find the instructions on how to write the file in the section Commands Outside Command Prompt. | |
quit | Quit the application. |
Select an image specified by direct path:
Select images with "DSC" in their name:
Select images that contain "2" and "1" and some other character in between (e.g. image_1251.jpg):
Select every image that ends with even number and has .jpg extension (e.g. 222.jpg or img_0018.jpg):
Select every image that contains "DSC", ends with even number and has .jpg extension (e.g. img_DSC_222.jpg or DSC_14.jpg):
Command used to select image(s) can have one of the few optional parameters:
You can use these commands to delegate actions to a certain RealityCapture instance. You can find out more about delegation of commands here.
Command Name | Required Parameter | Optional Parameter | Description |
setInstanceName | instanceName | Assign a name to a RealityCapture instance. | |
delegateTo | instanceName|* | Delegate a command or a sequence of commands to a specific instance of RealityCapture (instanceName) or to the first available instance (using the * symbol as a parameter). | |
waitCompleted | instanceName|* | Pause execution of other commands until the current process is finished in a specified instance of RealityCapture (instanceName) or in the first available instance (using the * as a parameter). | |
getStatus | instanceName|* | Return the progress status of a running process in a specified instance of RealityCapture (instanceName) or in the first available instance (using the * symbol as a parameter). | |
pauseInstance | instanceName|* | Pause a currently running process in a specified instance of RealityCapture (instanceName) or in the first available instance (using the * symbol as a parameter). | |
unpauseInstance | instanceName|* | Unpause a currently paused process in a specified instance of RealityCapture (instanceName) or in the first available instance (using the * symbol as a parameter). | |
abortInstance | instanceName|* | Abort a currently running process in a specified instance of RealityCapture (instanceName) or in the first available instance (using the * symbol as a parameter). If processing is done using the CLI commands, all processes after the running process will also be aborted. |
The following enable you to set some preferences for further image processing.
Command Name | Required Parameter | Optional Parameter | Description |
setFeatureSource | 0|1|2 |
Define a feature source mode for the selected images: 0 - Merge using overlaps, 1 - Use component features, 2 - Use all image features. |
enableAlignment | true|false | Enable/disable selected images in the registration process. | |
enableMeshing | true|false | Enable/disable selected images in the model computation/meshing. | |
enableTexturingAndColoring | true|false | Enable/disable selected images during the coloring and texture calculation. | |
setWeightInTexturing | <0,1> | Set weight for selected images during the coloring and texture calculation. | |
setDownscaleForDepthMaps | integer | Set a downscale factor for depth-map computation for the selected images. | |
enableInComponent | true|false | Enable selected images in meshing and continue. Applicable only for the registered images. | |
setCalibrationGroupByExif | Set the calibration group of all inputs based on their Exif. | ||
setConstantCalibrationGroups | Group all selected inputs into a single calibration group. | ||
lockPoseForContinue | true|false | Set relative camera pose unchanged for the selected images during the next registration. Applicable only for the registered images. | |
setPriorCalibrationGroup | number | Set a prior calibration group for the selected images: -1 - do not group, another number - group into the same calibration group. |
setPriorLensGroup | number | Set a prior lens group for the selected images. Using -1 means do not group, any other number means to group the selected images into the same distortion group. | |
editInputSelection | "key=value" | Edit the settings of the selected inputs based on the value in the Selected inputs panel or its key. More information can be found here. |
All the scripts are written in Windows command-line language. Let us say that you write a batch script stored in a C:\MyFolder and you want to load a project C:\MyFolder\PlainProject.rcproj, add images from the folder C:\MyFolder\Images, save progress to MyProject.rcproj and quit.
To improve the legibility (in case the path is long) and flexibility of your code, we recommend you to store the working folder in an environment variable.
Adding an image list or a single image works in the same manner.
Using the -newScene command is usually not necessary, since the application launches with a new scene. But it can be useful to start a new project without a need to relaunch the application.
In batch scripting, you always need to break a line of code with ^ in case you want to continue the sequence of RealityCapture commands
on the next line and process them as one.
Any lines beginning with #, //, REM or rem are skipped.
You can use these symbols before a portion of text to mark it as a code comment, for instance: // I am a comment.
Using CLI with .rccmd
On delegating commands into an opened instance of RealityCapture
Commands for alignment and component handling
Model calculation via the command line
Further model processing via the command line
Application settings and behaviour
Commands for handling potential errors