Alignment Commands

The following commands can be used to calculate camera poses and calibration, and to handle components and control points.

Command Name Required Parameter Optional Parameter Description
align Align images using the current settings.
draft Align images in the draft mode using the current settings.
update Update all components and models by a rigid transformation to fit actual constraints and control points.
detectFeatures Run feature detection according to the alignment settings. Detected features will be saved in the application cache.
mergeComponents Merge already created components. When using this command, no new images are added to existing components.
exportXMP params.xml Export camera metadata of components created in the last alignment in XMP format using the current settings or the settings from params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export this file from the XMP metadata export dialog. The components must fulfil the condition defined by the command setMinComponentSize.
NOTE: XMP files are stored in the same folder as the respective images.
exportXMPForSelectedComponent Export camera metadata of a selected component in XMP format using the current settings. An example available in the paragraph 'Metadata (XMP) Export Settings' below.
NOTE: XMP files are stored in the same folder as the respective images.
importComponent component.rcalign Import a component from the component.rcalign file.
exportLatestComponents folderName Export components created in the last alignment as RealityCapture Alignment Components (.rcalign) into a specified folder. The components must fulfil the condition defined by the command setMinComponentSize.
setMinComponentSize size Specify the minimal component size for export when using the exportLatestComponents and exportXMP commands. The default value is 5.
exportSelectedComponentDir folderName Export the selected component into a folder (folderName including the path) as a RealityCapture Alignment Component (.rcalign).
exportSelectedComponentFile fileName Export the selected component into a RealityCapture Alignment Component file.
exportRegistration fileName params.xml Export registration to a specified file using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the application in the Export Registration dialog.
exportUndistoredImages folderName params.xml Export undistorted images to a specified folder using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the application in the Export Registration dialog.
exportSTMap folderName params.xml Export ST maps for the selected images. If folderName and params.xml are not specified, results are stored along with the original images using the current settings. You can export the settings file from the application in the Export Registration dialog.
exportSparsePointCloud fileName params.xml Export 3D tie points (a sparse point cloud) into a specified file (fileName including the path and format extension) using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the application within the Export Point Cloud dialog.
selectComponent componentName Select a component with the specified name (componentName) for further processing.
selectMaximalComponent Select the largest component for further processing.
selectComponentWithLeastReprojectionError Select the component with the smallest reprojection error, based on the calculated Mean error [pixels], for further processing.
renameSelectedComponent newComponentName Rename the currently selected component.
deleteSelectedComponent Delete the currently selected component.
deleteComponent index Delete a component based on the chosen index. Keep in mind that index numbers start at 0 (zero).
deleteAllComponents Delete all components.
importFlightLog flFileName params.xml Import a flight log using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the application in the Import Flight Log dialog.
importGroundControlPoints gcpFileName params.xml Import ground control points using settings from the params.xml file. You can export these settings from the application in the Import Ground Control Points dialog.
importControlPointsMeasurements cpmFileName params.xml Import measurements of control points (CPs) using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the application in the Import Control Points Measurements dialog.
editControlPointSelection "key=value" Edit the settings/parameters of the selected control points based on the value in the Selected control point(s) panel or its key. More information can be found here.
deleteControlPoint index Delete a selected control point. If an optional parameter index is used, a control point with a corresponding index will be removed. Index numbers start at 0 (zero) and follow the order of control points in the 1Ds view.
deleteControlPointMeasurement Remove selected control points measurements (images assigned to a control point). Images have to be selected in the 1Ds view under the corresponding control point.
exportGroundControlPoints gcpFileName params.xml Export ground control points using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the application in the Export Ground Control dialog.
exportControlPointsMeasurements cpmFileName params.xml Export measurements of control points using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the application in the Export Control Points Measurements dialog.
defineDistance PointNameA PointNameB distance constraintName Define a distance constraint between two control points. If the constraintName is not defined, the distance name is created automatically. Alternatively, you can load a distance constraint from a file (see below).
defineDistance fileName params.xml Import a distance constraint from a file (filename including the path) using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the application in the Import Distance Definitions dialog. The list of supported formats distancedefinitions.xml can be found in the installation folder.
editConstraintSelection "key=value" Edit the settings/parameters of the selected constraints based on the value in the Selected constraint(s) panel or its key. More information can be found here.
deleteConstraint Remove selected distance constraints. Constraints have to be selected in the 1Ds view.
detectMarkers params.xml Detect markers in images using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings using the Detect Markers tool in the application.
setCamerasGravityDirection componentID If the image's XMP file contains gravity information (xcr:Gravity), then the component will be rotated so the -z vector is in the direction of the gravity vector. This does not apply to the dense point cloud (mesh/model), only to the sparse point cloud (alignment). Will apply to the selected component, or to the component defined with the optional parameters (component ID).

Alignment Examples

Follow these examples to learn how to align images with the command line.

Alignment and draft

Supposing you want to add images, make fast draft alignment, look at it and then continue to normal alignment and other calculations.

RealityCapture.exe -addFolder %MyPath%\Images\ -save %MyPath%\MyProject.rcproj -draft
RealityCapture.exe -load %MyPath%\MyProject.rcproj -align .... -quit

The first line does not end with quit, so the command will wait until the application is closed and continue just after that.

Export XMP to reuse alignment

Now we will reuse the alignment. Imagine we have a properly aligned project Project1.rcproj that uses images from a folder Images1 and we want to create a project Project2.rcproj with images from Images2 and use the same alignment. We suppose that the corresponding images from Images1 and Images2 have the same names, but may differ in their extension.

RealityCapture.exe -load %MyPath%\Project1.rcproj -exportXMP -quit
copy Images1/*.xmp Images2/
RealityCapture.exe -addFolder %MyPath%\Images2\ -align -save %MyPath%\Project2.rcproj -quit

The script exports .xmp files from Project1 next to the images (into Images1 folder), then copies them into Images2. The align command will now use the camera positions and calibration according to the setting stored in these .xmp files and application settings.

Select and export the largest component

The next example takes the largest component and loads it into an empty scene.

RealityCapture.exe -load %MyPath%\AlignedProject.rcproj -selectMaximalComponent -exportComponent %MyPath%\max -quit
for %%s in ("maxComponent *.rcalign") do (
RealityCapture.exe -importComponent "%MyPath%\%%s" -save %MyPath%\NewProject.rcproj -quit

The name of the component is not known beforehand, therefore it has to be searched for outside the application. Since the names of components are by default called Component 0, Component 1, etc., the largest component will be saved as a maxComponent 1.rcalign or likewise.

Export components above the minimal size

The last example exports all components containing more than 5 cameras and then imports them one by one into a new project.

RealityCapture.exe -load %MyPath%\AlignedProject.rcproj -minComponentSize 5 -exportComponent %MyPath%\ -newScene -save %MyPath%\NewProject.rcproj -quit
for %%s in (*.rcalign) do (
RealityCapture.exe -load %MyPath%\NewProject.rcproj -importComponent "%MyPath%\%%s" -save %MyPath%\NewProject.rcproj -quit

You can import every component to its own project and process them separately, as well.

Metadata (XMP) Export Settings

The following commands can be used for exporting camera metadata of components in the XMP format:

-set "xmpCamera=3"^
-set "xmpMerge=true"^
-set "xmpRig=true"^
-set "xmpCalibGroups=true"^
-set "xmpFlags=true"^
-set "xmpExGps=true"^
Setting Name Key Value Default Value Description
Camera export mode xmpCamera 0 1 Do not export
1 Export as draft
2 Export as exact
3 Export as locked
Merge with existing XMP files xmpMerge bool true
Export rigging setup xmpRig bool true
Export camera calibration groups xmpCalibGroups bool true
Include editor options xmpFlags bool true
Replace GPS EXIF with optimized values xmpExGps bool true

To learn more about the export of XMP metadata, visit this page.

Project and Image Commands

Manage the current project, the application itself and add images via CLI

Commands Outside Command Prompt

Using CLI with an .rccmd file

Delegation of Commands

On delegating commands into an opened instance of RealityCapture


Model calculation via the command line

Model Tools' Commands

Further model processing via the command line

Settings' Commands

Application settings and behaviour

Error Handling Commands

Commands for handling potential errors

See also: