List of All CLI Commands

Use CLI commands to automate your workflow and make iterative processing easier.

Project and Images

Add images to your project or change the project/instance settings.

Command Name Required Parameter Optional Parameter Description
headless Hides user interface. Find more about this command here.
newScene Create a new empty scene.
load MyProject.rcproj recoverAutosave|deleteAutosave Load an existing project from the MyProject.rcproj file. Use optional parameters to define the action if there is an autosaved file present for this project. Using recoverAutosave will open the autosaved project, while deleteAutosave will delete the autosaved project and load the original one. More information about the Autosave feature can be found here.
To set the preference globally for all projects, use set command with appAutoSaveCliHandling key. Find more information in the section CLI Settings Keys & Values.
save MyProject.rcproj Save the current project to its original location or save as MyProject.rcproj.
unlockPPIProject myProject.rcproj Save and unlock your PPI projects to make them compatible for use with the latest RealityCapture versions. Use the whole path with the project's name and extension where you want to store the unlocked project.
add imageName Add an image or image list.
addFolder folderName Add all images to the specified folder. To include subdirectories, use the command set with a key appIncSubdirs as follows: -set "appIncSubdirs=true". Find more information in the section CLI Settings Keys & Values.
importVideo videoFileName
Import frames extracted from a video (videoFileName including the path). The frames are extracted into a folder (extractedVideoFramesLocation) using an interval between frames defined by the jumpsLength (in seconds).
importLeicaBlk3D fileName Import image sequence with .cmi extension (fileName including path) captured by Leica BLK3D.
importLaserScan laserscanName params.xml Add a laser scan or a laser-scan list using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the application in the Laser Scan Import dialog.
importLaserScanFolder folderName params.xml Add all laser scans in the specified folder using settings from the params.xml file. You can export these settings from the application in the Laser Scan Import dialog.
importHDRimages fileName|folderName|imageList params.xml Import HDR image (imageName), list of images (imageList) or all images from a folder (folderName) using the current settings or the settings from params.xml. You can export these settings from the application in the 16-bit/HDR Images Import dialog.
addImageWithCalibration fileName
Import an image as well as the corresponding XMP file. Use whole paths to the files.
importImageSelection fileName Select some scene images and/or laser scans listed in a file (filename including the path).
selectImage imagePath|regexp Select a specified image (imagePath) or images defined by regular expression (regexp). See examples here.
selectAllImages Select all images in the project.
deselectAllImages Deselect all images in the project.
invertImageSelection Invert the current image selection.
setImageLayer index pathImage layerType Set the layer from the image defined with the pathImage parameter (path to the layer image) to the image defined with the index parameter. The index corresponds to the image order in the 1Ds view, starting at 0 (zero). The layerType parameter defines which layer to set onto the chosen image (e.g., mask, texture).
setImagesLayer pathImage layerType Set the layer from the image defined with the pathImage parameter (path to the layer image) to the selection of images. The layerType parameter defines which layer to set onto the selected images (e.g., mask, texture).
removeImageLayer layerType Remove the layers corresponding to the layerType parameter (e.g. mask, texture) from the selected images.
importCache folderName Import resource cache data from a specified folder.
clearCache Clear the application cache. You must save the project before clearing the application cache.
execRCCMD Commands.rccmd Execute commands listed in the .rccmd file. You can find the instructions on how to write the file in the section Commands Outside Command Prompt.
quit Quit the application.

Commands for Selected Images

The following ones enable you to set some preferences for further processing of images.

Command Name Required Parameter Optional Parameter Description
setFeatureSource 0|1|2 Define a feature source mode for the selected images:
0 – Merge using overlaps,
1 – Use component features,
2 – Use all image features.
enableAlignment true|false Enable/disable selected images in the registration process.
enableMeshing true|false Enable/disable selected images in the model computation/meshing.
enableTexturingAndColoring true|false Enable/disable selected images during the coloring and texture calculation.
setWeightInTexturing <0,1> Set weight for selected images during the coloring and texture calculation.
enableColorNormalizationReference true|false Set selected images as color references in the color normalization process. The colors for these images will not be changed.
enableColorNormalization true|false Enable or disable selected images in the color normalization process.
setDownscaleForDepthMaps integer Set a downscale factor for depth-map computation for the selected images.
enableInComponent true|false Enable selected images in meshing and continue. Applicable only for the registered images.
setCalibrationGroupByExif Set the calibration group of all inputs based on their Exif.
lockPoseForContinue true|false Set relative camera pose unchanged for the selected images during the next registration. Applicable only for the registered images.
setPriorCalibrationGroup number Set a prior calibration group for the selected images:
-1 - do not group,
another number - group into the same calibration group.
setPriorLensGroup number Set a prior lens group for the selected images. Using -1 means do not group; any other number means to group the selected images into the same distortion group.
editInputSelection "key=value" Edit the settings of the selected inputs based on the value in the Selected inputs panel or its key. More information can be found here.

Delegate commands

You can use these commands to delegate actions to a certain RealityCapture instance. You can find out more about the delegation of commands here.

Command Name Required Parameter Optional Parameter Description
setInstanceName instanceName Assign a name to a RealityCapture instance.
delegateTo instanceName|* Delegate a command or a sequence of commands to a specific instance of RealityCapture (instanceName) or to the first available instance (using the * symbol as a parameter).
waitCompleted instanceName|* Pause execution of other commands until the current process is finished in a specified instance of RealityCapture (instanceName) or in the first available instance (using the * as a parameter).
getStatus instanceName|* Return the progress status of a running process in a specified instance of RealityCapture (instanceName) or in the first available instance (using the * symbol as a parameter).
pauseInstance instanceName|* Pause a currently running process in a specified instance of RealityCapture (instanceName) or in the first available instance (using the * symbol as a parameter).
unpauseInstance instanceName|* Unpause a currently paused process in a specified instance of RealityCapture (instanceName) or in the first available instance (using the * symbol as a parameter).
abortInstance instanceName|* Abort a currently running process in a specified instance of RealityCapture (instanceName) or in the first available instance (using the * symbol as a parameter). If processing is done using the CLI commands, all processes after the running process will also be aborted.


The following commands can be used to calculate camera poses and calibration and to handle components and control points.

Command Name Required Parameter Optional Parameter Description
align Align images using the current settings.
draft Align images in the draft mode using the current settings.
update Update all components and models by a rigid transformation to fit the actual constraints and control points.
detectFeatures Run feature detection according to the alignment settings. Detected features will be saved in the application cache.
mergeComponents Merge already created components. When using this command, no new images are added to the existing components.
exportXMP params.xml Export camera metadata of components created in the last alignment in the XMP format using the current settings or the settings from params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export this file from the XMP metadata export dialog. The components must fulfill the condition defined by the command setMinComponentSize.
NOTE: XMP files are stored in the same folder as the respective images.
exportXMPForSelectedComponent Export camera metadata of a selected component in XMP format using the current settings. An example is available in the paragraph "Metadata (XMP) Export Settings" below.
NOTE: XMP files are stored in the same folder as the respective images.
importComponent component.rcalign Import a component from the component.rcalign file.
exportLatestComponents folderName Export components created in the last alignment as RealityCapture Alignment Components (.rcalign) into a specified folder. The components must fulfill the condition defined by the command setMinComponentSize.
setMinComponentSize size Specify the minimal component size for export when using the exportLatestComponents and exportXMP commands. The default value is 5.
exportSelectedComponentDir folderName Export the selected component into a folder (folderName including the path) as a RealityCapture Alignment Component (.rcalign).
exportSelectedComponentFile fileName Export the selected component into a RealityCapture Alignment Component file.
exportRegistration fileName params.xml Export registration to a specified file using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the application in the Export Registration dialog.
exportUndistortedImages folderName params.xml Export undistorted images into a specified folder using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the application in the Export Registration dialog.
exportSTMap folderName params.xml Export ST maps for the selected images. If folderName and params.xml are not specified, results are stored along with the original images using the current settings. You can export the settings file from the application in the Export Registration dialog.
exportSparsePointCloud fileName params.xml Export 3D tie points (a sparse point cloud) into a specified file (fileName including the path and format extension) using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the application within the Export Point Cloud dialog.
selectComponent componentName Select a component with the specified name (componentName) for further processing.
selectMaximalComponent Select the largest component for further processing.
selectComponentWithLeastReprojectionError Select the component with the smallest reprojection error, based on the calculated Mean error [pixels], for further processing.
renameSelectedComponent newComponentName Rename the currently selected component.
deleteSelectedComponent Delete the currently selected component.
deleteComponent index Delete a component based on the chosen index. Keep in mind that index numbers start at 0 (zero).
deleteAllComponents Delete all components.
importFlightLog flFileName params.xml Import a flight log using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the application in the Import Flight Log dialog.
importGroundControlPoints gcpFileName params.xml Import ground control points using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the application in the Export Ground Control Points dialog.
importControlPointsMeasurements cpmFileName params.xml Import measurements of control points (CPs) using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the application in the Export Control Points Measurements dialog.
editControlPointSelection "key=value" Edit the settings/parameters of the selected control points based on the value in the Selected control point(s) panel or its key. More information can be found here.
deleteControlPoint index Delete a selected control point. If an optional parameter index is used, a control point with a corresponding index will be removed. Index numbers start at 0 (zero) and follow the order of control points in the 1Ds view.
deleteControlPointMeasurement Remove selected control point measurements (images assigned to a control point). Images have to be selected in the 1Ds view under the corresponding control point.
exportGroundControlPoints gcpFileName params.xml Export ground control points using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the application in the Export Ground Control dialog.
exportControlPointsMeasurements cpmFileName params.xml Export measurements of control points using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the application in the Export Control Points Measurements dialog when pressing the Shift key together with the button Control Points in the Export part of the Alignment tab.
defineDistance PointNameA PointNameB distance constraintName Define a distance constraint between two control points. If constraintName is not defined, the distance name is created automatically. Alternatively, you can load distance constraints from a file (see below).
defineDistance fileName params.xml Import a distance constraint from a file (filename including path) using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the application in the Import Distance Definitions dialog. The list of supported formats distancedefinitions.xml can be found in the installation folder.
editConstraintSelection "key=value" Edit the settings/parameters of the selected constraints based on the value in the Selected constraint(s) panel or its key. More information can be found here.
deleteConstraint Remove selected distance constraints. Constraints have to be selected in the 1Ds view.
detectMarkers params.xml Detect markers in images using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the Detect Markers tool in the application.
setCamerasGravityDirection componentID If the image's XMP file contains gravity information (xcr:Gravity), the component will be rotated so the -z vector is in the direction of the gravity vector. This does not apply to the dense point cloud (mesh/model), only to the sparse point cloud (alignment). Will apply to the selected component or to the component defined with the optional parameters (component ID).


These commands can be used to calculate models and perform coloring and texturing.

Command Name Required Parameter Optional Parameter Description
resetGround Set the ground plane back to its original orientation and position.
setGroundPlaneFromReconstructionRegion Automatically center a model using a reconstruction region into the middle of the grid, adjusting both rotation and transformation.
setReconstructionRegionAuto Set a reconstruction region automatically.
setReconstructionRegion box.rcbox Import a reconstruction region from the box.rcbox file.
setReconstructionRegionOnCPs controlPoint
Set a reconstruction region on existing control points. Three control points define the base of the region, and the height of the region is defined by the fourth control point or by entering the height value. You can find more about this command in the examples here.
scaleReconstructionRegion scaleX
origin|center absolute|factor Scale the reconstruction region in each axis (scaleX, scaleY, and scaleZ). Scale parameters can be treated either as absolute values (absolute) or scale factors (factor) from the center of the region (center) or its origin (origin) defined by the first control point when using setReconstructionRegionOnCPs command. Default values are "absolute" and "center". You can find more about this command in the examples here.
moveReconstructionRegion moveX
Move the reconstruction region along the region's axes. The values are in the coordinate system’s units. You can find more about this command in the examples here.
rotateReconstructionRegion rotateX
Rotate the reconstruction region around its axes. All values are in degrees. You can find more about this command in the examples here.
offsetReconstructionRegion offsetX
Offset the reconstruction region on its axes by the values of its dimensions. You can find more about this command in the examples here.
exportReconstructionRegion box.rcbox Export a reconstruction region to the box.rcbox file.
calculatePreviewModel Calculate 3D mesh in the preview quality.
calculateNormalModel Calculate 3D mesh in the normal quality.
calculateHighModel Calculate 3D mesh in the highest quality.
continueModelCalculation If the model calculation was paused or if there was a crash, it is possible to continue the calculation using this command. Find more about this command here.

Model Tools

When you have successfully created a model, you can use these tools to process it further by means of the command line.

Command Name Required Parameter Optional Parameter Description
selectModel modelName Select a model with the specified name (modelName).
deleteSelectedModel Delete the currently selected model.
duplicateSelectedModel Duplicate the selected model (including textures).
renameSelectedModel newModelName Rename the currently selected model.
correctColors layerName Run color correction for all layers or a specified layer (layerName) in the selected component.
unwrap params.xml Calculate the unwrap of a model using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the Unwrap tool in the application.
calculateTexture params.xml Calculate texture using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the Color and Texture Settings panel in the application.
reprojectTexture sourceModel resultModel params.xml Reproject texture from a textured model (sourceModel) to an unwrapped model (resultModel) using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). sourceModel and resultModel are model names from the application. You can export these settings from the Texture Reprojection tool in the application.
calculateVertexColors Calculate coloring using the current settings.
calculatePreviewVertexColors Calculate draft coloring using the current settings.
simplify targetTriangleCount or params.xml Simplify a selected model using the current settings (use it without any parameters) to the selected triangle count (targetTriangleCount) or using the settings from the params.xml file. You can export these settings from the Simplify Tool in the application.
smooth params.xml Smooth a selected model using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file. You can export these settings from the Smoothing tool in the application.
closeHoles maxEdgesCount Close model holes using the current settings or a specified maximal number of edges (maxEdgesCount).
cleanModel Clean the selected model: remove non-manifold edges and vertices, close small holes, etc.
selectTrianglesInsideReconReg Select triangles inside the reconstruction region.
selectTrianglesOutsideReconReg Select triangles outside the reconstruction region.
selectMarginalTriangles Select triangles that enclose the volume but are not part of the current reconstruction.
selectLargeTrianglesAbs edgeSizeThreshold Select triangles with edge lengths larger than the threshold (edgeSizeThreshold).
selectLargeTrianglesRel edgeSizeThreshold Select triangles with an edge length larger than the threshold (edgeSizeThreshold) multiplied by the average edge length.
selectLargestModelComponent Select triangles that belong to the largest connected component of the model.
invertTrianglesSelection Invert a selection of triangles.
deselectModelTriangles Deselect all model triangles.
removeSelectedTriangles Create a new model with selected triangles left out (the same behavior as achieved with the Filter Selection tool).
cutByBox inner|outer fillHoles Filter out the triangles inside or outside of the reconstruction region. The required parameter defines which triangles will be filtered out, and the optional parameter fillHoles determines if the cut holes will be filled (can be set to true or false, corresponding to the Yes and No values). If the optional parameter is not chosen, the default value will be used (Yes). This tool creates a new model.
dtmClassify params.xml Classify vertices of the selected model into pre-defined classes using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the AI Classify tool in the application.
exportModel modelName fileName params.xml Export a model (modelName from the project) as a file (fileName including path and file extension) using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml (optional parameter). You can export the file from the Export model dialog.
exportSelectedModel fileName params.xml Export the selected model as a file (fileName including path and file extension) using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml (optional parameter). You can export the file from the Export model dialog.
importModel fileName Import a model from a file (fileName including path).
calculateOrthoProjection params.rcortho Calculate an orthographic projection using settings from the params.rcortho file. Instructions on how to obtain the file can be found here.
selectOrthoProjection orthoName Select an orthographic projection with the specified name (orthoName).
editOrthoProjectionSelection "key=value" Edit the settings/parameters of the selected ortho projections based on the value in the Selected ortho photo(s) panel or its key. More information can be found here.
exportOrthoProjection fileName params.xml Export selected orthographic projection (image, DSM or DTM) into a file (fileName including file path and the file extension) using settings from the params.xml file. You can export the parameters file from the Export Ortho Photo, Export Digital Surface Model, and Export Digital Terrain Model dialog.
calculateCrossSections step axis Calculate Cross Sections either using current settings or by setting the axis (local axis of reconstruction region) and the step between each cross section.
exportCrossSections fileName params.xml Export selected cross sections as a file (fileName including path and file extension) using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml (optional parameter). You can export the file from the Export Cross Sections dialog.
renameCrossSections crossSectionsName Rename selected cross sections.
selectCrossSections crossSectionsName Select cross sections by name.
computeContours params.xml Compute contours for the selected Ortho using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml file (optional parameter). You can export these settings from the Contours Tool in the application.
exportContours fileName params.xml Export selected contours as a file (fileName including path and file extension) using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml (optional parameter). You can export the file from the Export Contours dialog.
renameContours contoursName Rename selected contours.
selectContours contoursName Select contours by name.
exportShapes fileName params.xml Export selected shapes as a file (fileName including path and file extension .json) using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml (optional parameter). You can export the file from the Export Shapes dialog.
importShapesToSelectedOrtho fileName mosaicing|measurements Import shapes from a file (fileName including path and file extension) to the selected ortho. Their type will be defined based on which shape-creating tool is activated: Measure or Enhance Mosaic.
importShapesToOrtho fileName orthoProjectionName mosaicing|measurements Import shapes from a file (fileName including path and file extension) to ortho (orthoProjectionName). Their type will be defined based on which shape-creating tool is activated: Measure or Enhance Mosaic.
selectShape shapeName Select shape by name
addShapeToSelection shapeName add a shape to the current selection by name
exportReport outputFileName templateFileName Export a report into a file (outputFileName including the path and the .html extension) using a template (templateFileName including the path). The default templates are stored in the installation folder\Reports.
printReport reportString Write out report texts in the Command Prompt. This command can be used when RealityCapture is run with a batch file. It does not work with delegation. Learn more about report customization here.
exportDepthAndMask folderName params.xml Export depth maps and/or masks for the selected images. If folderName and params.xml are not specified, results are stored along with the original images using the current settings. You can export the settings file from the application in the Export Depth Maps and Masks dialog.
exportLod fileName params.xml Export the selected model as a linear Level-of-Detail model into a file (fileName including path and file extension) using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml (optional parameter). You can export the file from the Export LoD dialog. For export to Cesium 3D Tiles (.json) file format, use the command export3dTiles.
export3dTiles fileName params.xml Export the selected model as a hierarchical Level-of-Detail model into a .json file (fileName including path and file extension) using the current settings or the settings from the params.xml (optional parameter). You can export the file from the Export LoD dialog after selecting Cesium 3D Tiles (.json) file format.
renderMeshFromCustomPositionYPR fileName params.xml|width height focalLength x y z yaw pitch roll Export a render of the model from a camera position using yaw, pitch, and roll orientation.
Example for a render from above of a model at 0,0,0 in local Euclidean space:
Realitycapture.exe -renderMeshFromCustomPositionYPR "D:/Project/render.png" 1280 720 100 0 0 150 0 0 0
renderMeshFromCustomPositionLookAt fileName params.xml|width height focalLength x y z atX atY atZ upX upY upZ Export a render of a model from a camera position, which looks at another defined position, with an option to specify the vertical axis.
Example for a side view of a model at 0,0,0 in local Euclidean space while defining the vertical axis going up the Z axis:
Realitycapture.exe -renderMeshFromCustomPositionLookAt "D:/Project/render.png" 1280 720 50 0 -100 0 0 0 10 0 0 1
uploadToSketchfab APIToken Upload your model to Sketchfab. The required parameter is the Sketchfab API token and it can be found in the account settings of your Sketchfab account.

Settings' and Error-handling Commands

You can use these commands to alter the settings and behavior of the application.

Command Name Required Parameter Optional Parameter Description
set "key=value" Change an application setting. Learn more about how to use this command here.
preset "key=value" Change an application setting during the setup phase. Ideal for changes that require a reset of the application. Learn more about how to use this command here.
reset ui | cfg | cfgui | all Reset the user interface, settings, or both. It is also possible to make RealityCapture like a clean install. This command works only when used in a batch file, and it won't work with delegation commands. What is going to be reset is determined by the chosen parameter: ui - reset user interface, cfg - reset application settings, cfgui - reset both interface and settings, all - make it like a clean install.
silent crashReportPath Suppress warning dialogs and uploading of the crash reports. The application will store reports in the specified location instead of showing the upload wizard.
writeProgress fileName timeout Write any new progress change into a specified file (fileName including the path). Optional timeout parameter will also output during a defined period of time (timeout in seconds). More about the file structure can be found in the section Error-handling Commands.
printProgress timeout Print progress change into the Windows Command Prompt for any new change. Optional timeout parameter will also output during a defined period of time (timeout in seconds).
tag Writes out a tag into the Windows Command Prompt. It respects the order of the used commands and will be run after the process ran before it finishes.
stdConsole Enables console redirection to the application standard output. When used, you will see the application console content mirrored also in the standard Windows console. This also enables further redirections for CLI purposes.
disableOnlineCommunication Disable any online communication.
importGlobalSettings settings.rcconfig Import application global settings from the settings.rcconfig file.
exportGlobalSettings settings.rcconfig Export application global settings to the settings.rcconfig file.
setProjectCoordinateSystem authority:id Set a project coordinate system defined by an authority, and its ID (can be found in a specific database, e.g. epsg.xml and local.xml). An example can be found here.
setOutputCoordinateSystem authority:id Set an output coordinate system defined by an authority, and its ID (can be found in a specific database, e.g. epsg.xml and local.xml). An example can be found here.

More about the CLI

See the tutorial on the command-line interface