Components (Functions and Variables Available in the Reports)


IterateComponents - this function can be used to output basic information on all components.


  $IterateComponents( noParametersJustAnyText )

Available variables:

componentGUID - a GUID of the component

componentName - a name of the component

componentCamerasCount - a number of registered cameras in the component


    Component GUID: $(componentGUID)
    Component name: $(componentName)
    Cameras count: $(componentCamerasCount)

ComponentInfo - this function can be used to output basic information on a component.


  $ComponentInfo( componentGUID, anyText )


componentGUID - a GUID of a component: use the IterateComponents function to get GUIDs of all components (see the example below)

Available functions:

GetImageCamera - it directly outputs local camera index.


  $GetImageCamera( sfmIndex )

Available expression functions:

GetImageCamera - result is the local camera index.


  GetImageCamera( sfmIndex )

Available variables:

componentName - a name of the component

componentId - a GUID of the component

componentReconstructionId - a GUID of the reconstruction run

componentCameraCount - a number of registered cameras

componentPointCount - a number of registered points

componentControlPointCountUsed - a number of used control points

componentConstraintCountUsed - a number of used distance constraints


    $ComponentInfo( "$(componentGUID)",
      Component name: $(componentName)
      Component GUID: $(componentId)
      Reconstruction-run GUID: $(componentReconstructionId)
      Cameras' count: $(componentCamerasCount)
      Points' count: $(componentPointsCount)
      Control points' count used: $(componentControlPointsCountUsed)
      Constraints' count used: $(componentConstraintsCountUsed)

ComponentStats - this function can be used to output alignment precision information and statistics on a component.


  $ComponentStats( componentGUID, anyText )


componentGUID - a GUID of a component: use the IterateComponents function to get GUIDs of all components (see the example below)

Available variables:

componentTotalProjection - the total number of image projections

componentAverageTrackLength - the average number of images for each observed 3D point

componentMaximalError - the maximal reprojection error in pixels

componentMedianError - the median reprojection error in pixels

componentMeanError - the mean reprojection error in pixels

componentIsGeoreferenced - a component is geo-referenced

componentMetric - a component is scaled to match real dimensions

componentAlignmentTime - the total alignment time for all components calculated in a single run


    $ComponentStats( "$(componentGUID)",
      Total projections: $(componentTotalProjection)
      Average track length: $(componentAverageTrackLength)
      Maximal reprojection error [pixels]: $(componentMaximalError)
      Median reprojection error [pixels]: $(componentMedianError)
      Mean reprojection error [pixels]: $(componentMeanError)
      Geo-referenced: $(componentIsGeoreferenced)
      Metric: $(componentMetric)
      Alignment time: $(componentAlignmentTime)

ComponentSettings - this function can be used to output information on alignment settings.


  $ComponentSettings( componentGUID, anyText )


componentGUID - a GUID of a component: use the IterateComponents function to get GUIDs of all components (see the example below)

Available variables:

componentAlignmentEngine - an alignment engine

componentAlignmentMode - an alignment mode

componentMaxFeaturesPerMpx - the max features per Mpx

componentMaxFeaturesPerImage - the max features per image

componentDetectorSensitivity - detector sensitivity

componentPreselectorFeatures - preselector features

componentImageDownscaleFactor - image downscale factor

componentMaxFeatureReprojectionError - the maximal feature reprojection error in pixels

componentUseCameraPositions - indicates whether GPS positions for camera centers have been used

componentLensDistortionModel - a lens distortion model

componentFinalOptimization - indicates whether the final optimization has been used


    $ComponentSettings( "$(componentGUID)",
      Alignment engine: $(componentAlignmentEngine)
      Alignment mode: $(componentAlignmentMode)
      Max features per Mpx: $(componentMaxFeaturesPerMpx)
      Max features per image: $(componentMaxFeaturesPerImage)
      Detector sensitivity: $(componentDetectorSensitivity)
      Preselector features: $(componentPreselectorFeatures)
      Image downscale factor: $(componentImageDownscaleFactor)
      Maximal feature reprojection error [pixels]: $(componentMaxFeatureReprojectionError)
      Use camera positions: $(componentUseCameraPositions)
      Lens distortion model: $(componentLensDistortionModel)
      Final optimization: $(componentFinalOptimization)

SelectComponent - selects a component for internal use of the IteratorsFunctionSet function set. It only affects functions IterateImages and IterateCameras and can be evoked before or inside of those functions.


  $SelectComponent( componentGUID )


componentGUID - a GUID of the component


    $SelectComponent ( "$(componentGUID)"

Scripting Report Basics

Learn how to create custom report templates

Function Sets

Functions sets and their functions, expressions and variables

Basic Functions

Project information, exporter scope, and basic function set

Images Scope

Learn how to export information about project images

Camera Scope

Learn how to get information about cameras

Scene Structure Scope

Learn how to add custom point statics to reports

Control Points and Constraints Scope

Check the list of control points and constraints functionalities

Models Scope

Learn how to generate model reports

Ortho Projection Scope

See the list of ortho projection export functions

Map Scope

See the list of map export functions