Cameras (Functions and Variables Available in the Reports)


IterateCameras - this function can be used to get indexes of all cameras and indexes of the corresponding images in the selected component.


  $IterateCameras( noParametersJustAnyText )

Available variables:

cameraIndex - an index of a camera

cameraImageIndex - an index of an image


    Camera index: $(cameraIndex)
    Image index: $(cameraImageIndex)

ExportCameras - this function can be used to output information on the selected cameras or about all registered cameras in the selected component.


  $ExportCameras( noParametersJustAnyText )

ExportCamera - this function can be used to output information on one camera based on its camera index.


  $ExportCamera( cameraIndex )

Available variables:

cameraIndex - a camera index in a component

index - a camera index

width - an image width in pixels

height - the image height in pixels

scale - it has the same value as the bigger one from the width and height variables, its value will stay the same after applying this:

   $Max( "scale", width, height )

imagePath - the image path

imageName - the image name

imageExt - the image extension

originalFile - the image file path

originalImageIndex - the image index based on the import order

x - the x camera coordinate in the output coordinate system (it is calculated during alignation)

y - the y camera coordinate in the output coordinate system (it is calculated during alignation)

z - the z camera coordinate in the output coordinate system (it is calculated during alignation)

xInpCS - the x camera coordinate after alignation in the input coordinate system

yInpCS - the y camera coordinate after alignation in the input coordinate system

zInpCS - the z camera coordinate after alignation in the input coordinate system

tx - the x coordinate in the camera coordinate system w.r.t. output coordinate system

ty - the y coordinate in the camera coordinate system w.r.t. output coordinate system

tz - the z coordinate in the camera coordinate system w.r.t. output coordinate system

lat - the latitude camera coordinate in epsg:4326 - GPS (WGS 84) coordinate system

lon - the longitude camera coordinate in epsg:4326 - GPS (WGS 84) coordinate system

alt - the altitude camera coordinate in epsg:4326 - GPS (WGS 84) coordinate system

yaw - an angle of the yaw rotation: the rotation around the yaw (vertical) axis

pitch - an angle of the pitch rotation: the rotation around the pitch (lateral) axis

roll - an angle of the roll rotation: the rotation around the roll (longitudinal) axis

invYaw - the inverse yaw

invPitch - the inverse pitch

invRoll - the inverse roll

omega, phi and kappa - angles of a camera rotation: these 3 rotations are the transformation between the image reference system and a flat, projected mapping plane (e.g. UTM). The 3 rotations are applied in the following order:

omega - an angle of a camera rotation around the x axis

phi - an angle of a camera rotation around the y axis

kappa - an angle of a camera rotation around the z axis

f - a focal length (registered calibration) modified to be without distortion

px - relative offset from the center of an image in the x axis. Principal point x and Principal point y are offsets from the center of an image in [mm] w.r.t. 35 mm film format.

py - relative offset from the center of an image in the y axis modified to be without distortion (registered calibration)

aspect - camera aspect ratio correction factor modified to be without distortion (registered calibration)

skew - a camera skew value modified to be without distortion (registered calibration)

k1 - a distortion model radial coefficient modified to be without distortion (registered calibration)

k2 - a distortion model radial coefficient modified to be without distortion (registered calibration)

k3 - a distortion model radial coefficient modified to be without distortion (registered calibration)

k4 - a distortion model radial coefficient (registered calibration) modified to be without distortion

t1 - a distortion model tangential coefficient modified to be without distortion (registered calibration)

t2 - a distortion model tangential coefficient (registered calibration) modified to be without distortion

fd - a focal length

pxd - relative offset from the center of an image in the x axis. Principal point x and Principal point y are offsets from the center of an image in [mm] w.r.t. 35 mm film format.

pyd - relative offset from the center of an image in the y axis (distored)

aspectd - camera aspect ratio correction factor (distored)

skewd - a camera skew value (distored)

k1d - a distortion model radial coefficient (undistored)

k2d - a distortion model radial coefficient (distored)

k3d - a distortion model radial coefficient (distored)

k4d - a distortion model radial coefficient (distored)

t1d - a distortion model tangential coefficient (distored)

t2d - a distortion model tangential coefficien (distored)t

R00 - an element of the rotation matrix

R01 - an element of the rotation matrix

R02 - an element of the rotation matrix

R10 - an element of the rotation matrix

R11 - an element of the rotation matrix

R12 - an element of the rotation matrix

R20 - an element of the rotation matrix

R21 - an element of the rotation matrix

R22 - an element of the rotation matrix

euclidX - the x camera coordinate in the Euclidean coordinate system

euclidY - the y camera coordinate in the Euclidean coordinate system

euclidZ - the z camera coordinate in the Euclidean coordinate system

ecR00 - an element of the rotation matrix

ecR01 - an element of the rotation matrix

ecR02 - an element of the rotation matrix

ecR10 - an element of the rotation matrix

ecR11 - an element of the rotation matrix

ecR12 - an element of the rotation matrix

ecR20 - an element of the rotation matrix

ecR21 - an element of the rotation matrix

ecR22 - an element of the rotation matrix

euclidYaw - the yaw value in the Euclidean coordinate system

euclidPitch - the pitch value in the Euclidean coordinate system

euclidRoll - the rol value in the Euclidean coordinate system

aX - the x camera coordinate in the components coordinate system

aY - the y camera coordinate in the components coordinate system

aZ - the z camera coordinate in the components coordinate system

aR00 - an element of the rotation matrix

aR01 - an element of the rotation matrix

aR02 - an element of the rotation matrix

aR10 - an element of the rotation matrix

aR11 - an element of the rotation matrix

aR12 - an element of the rotation matrix

aR20 - an element of the rotation matrix

aR21 - an element of the rotation matrix

aR22 - an element of the rotation matrix

aYaw - the yaw value in the component coordinate system

aPitch - the pitch value in the component coordinate system

aRoll - the rol value in the component coordinate system

priorErrorX - a prior position X accuracy

priorErrorY - a prior position Y accuracy

priorErrorZ - a prior position Z accuracy

priorError3D - a prior position accuracy


    Index: $(index)
    Image width [pixels]: $(width)
    Image height [pixels]: $(height)
    Scale: $(scale)
    Image path: $(imagePath)
    Image name: $(imageName)
    Image extension: $(imageExt)
    Image file path with filename: $(originalFile)
    x: $(x)
    y: $(y)
    z: $(z)
    tx: $(tx)
    ty: $(ty)
    tz: $(tz)
    lat: $(lat)
    lon: $(lon)
    alt: $(alt)
    yaw: $(yaw)
    pitch: $(pitch)
    roll: $(roll)
    invYaw: $(invYaw)
    invPitch: $(invPitch)
    invRoll: $(invRoll)
    omega: $(omega)
    phi: $(phi)
    kappa: $(kappa)
    Focal length: $(f)
    px: $(px)
    py: $(py)
    Radial 1: $(k1)
    Radial 2: $(k2)
    Radial 3: $(k3)
    Radial 4: $(k4)
    Tangential 1: $(t1)
    Tangential 2: $(t2)
    Aspect ratio: $(aspect)
    R00: $(R00)
    R01: $(R01)
    R02: $(R02)
    R10: $(R10)
    R11: $(R11)
    R12: $(R12)
    R20: $(R20)
    R21: $(R21)
    R22: $(R22)
    Euclid x: $(euclidx)
    Euclid y: $(euclidy)
    Euclid z: $(euclidz)

CameraErrors - this function can be used to output information on camera errors and track lengths.


$CameraErrors( cameraIndex, anyText )


cameraIndex - an index of a camera in the selected component: use the IterateCameras function to get indexes of all cameras registered in the selected component (see the example below)

Available functions:

ReprojectionError - a projection error is the difference in the position between a point in a photo and the projection of the corresponding 3D point in the same photo, in pixels.


$ReprojectionError( noParametersJustAnyText )

Available function:



$Distribution( i, anyText )



Available variable:

ithValue - a number of tie points with the projection error equal to i or more and less than i + 1 (note that one tie point can have parts with different projection errors and therefore ithValue variable can be decimal)

Available variables:

min - the minimal error is the minimal value of a point projection error

max - the maximal error is the maximal value of a point projection error

mean - the mean error is the average projection error

stdev - the standard deviation of projection errors

median - the median error is the middle value of all projection errors telling that a half of projection errors is smaller than this value, and a half of projection errors is bigger (median in the same sense as in statistics)

mode - the most frequent projection error

minDistBin - should be always zero as there should not be a negative projection error

maxDistBin - a number of tie points with the projection error equal to 16 or more

distributionSize - a constant that is set to 16

TrackingError - stats of how many of the camera tie points are visible by another 0, 1, 2, ... , 15 cameras


$TrackingError( noParametersJustAnyText )

Available function:



$Distribution( i, anyText )



Available variable:

ithValue - a number of tie points visible by i + 1 cameras

Available variables:

min - should be always one or more as each tie point should be visible by at least 2 cameras

max - the maximal number of cameras that can see a tie point is max + 1

mean - the mean value of cameras that can see a tie point

stdev - the standard deviation of cameras that can see a tie point

median - the median value of cameras that can see a tie point

mode - the mode value of cameras that can see a tie point

minDistBin - should be always zero as there should not be a tie point visible by zero cameras

maxDistBin - a number of tie points visible by 17 or more cameras

distributionSize - a constant that is set to 16

Available variables:

numPoints - a number of tie points in an image

imageCoverage - the percentage of an image covered with tie points


    $CameraErrors( cameraIndex,

      Number of tie points in image: $(numPoints)
      Percentage of image covered with tie points: $(imageCoverage)%

        min: $(min), max: $(max), mean: $(mean), stdev: $(stdev), median: $(median), mode: $(mode), minDistBin: $(minDistBin), maxDistBin: $(maxDistBin)
        distribution: [
          $For( "i", 0, 1, distributionSize,
            $Distribution(i, $(ithValue))

        min: $(min), max: $(max), mean: $(mean), stdev: $(stdev), median: $(median), mode: $(mode), minDistBin: $(minDistBin), maxDistBin: $(maxDistBin)
        distribution: [
          $For( "i", 0, 1, distributionSize,
            $Distribution(i, $(ithValue))

ExportCameraModels - this function exports all types of camera models used to take photos and laser scans.


  $ExportCameraModels( noParametersJustAnyText )

Available variable:

cameraModel - a camera model


    Camera model: $(cameraModel)

ExportInputsGrouping - export information about input groups.


  $ExportInputsGrouping( noParametersJustAnyText )

Available variable:

groupCount - number of groups

groupedInputCount - number of grouped inputs

ungroupedInputCount - number of ungrouped inputs

Available functions:

IterateGroups - iterate through input groups.

  $IterateGroups( noParametersJustAnyText )

Available variables:

groupIndex - group index value

calibrationGroup - calibration group value

distortionGroup - distortion group value

refWidth - image width

refHeight - image height

refImageIndex - image index

count - image count

cameraModel - camera model

lensModel - lens model


    Group count: $(groupCount)
    Grouped Input Count: $(groupedInputCount)
    Ungrouped Input Count: $(ungroupedInputCount)
      Group index: $(groupIndex)
      Calibration Group: $(calibrationGroup)
      Distortion Group: $(distortionGroup)
      Width: $(refWidth)
      Height: $(refHeight)
      Image Index: $(refImageIndex)
      Count: $(count)
      Camera Model: $(cameraModel)
      Lens Model: $(lensModel)

ExportRelativeCameraPositionUncertainty - this function gives information about the relative camera position uncertainty.


  $ExportRelativeCameraPositionUncertainty( cameraImageIndex, anyText )


cameraImageIndex - an image index

Available variables:

posUncertCovXX - a covariance of the X coordinate value w.r.t. the X coordinate

posUncertCovXY - a covariance of the X coordinate value w.r.t. the Y coordinate

posUncertCovXZ - a covariance of the X coordinate value w.r.t. the Z coordinate

posUncertCovYY - a covariance of the Y coordinate value w.r.t. the Y coordinate

posUncertCovYZ - a covariance of the Y coordinate value w.r.t. the Y coordinate

posUncertCovZZ - a covariance of the Z coordinate value w.r.t. the Z coordinate


    Image index: $(cameraImageIndex)
      $ExportRelativeCameraPositionUncertainty( "$(cameraImageIndex)",
        Var XX: $(posUncertCovXX)
        Var XY:

CovToEllipse2D - this function calculates uncertainty ellipses out of the covariance values.


  $CovToEllipse2D( Qxx, Qxy, Qyy, anyText )


Qxx - the covariance value Qxx

Qxy - the covariance value Qxy

Qyy - the covariance value Qyy

Available variables:

ellipseRadiusMax - the maximum radius of an ellipse

ellipseRadiusMin - the minimum radius of an ellipse

ellipseRot - the rotation of an ellipse

ExportMisalignmentCameras - this function can be used to get misalignment information about the cameras.


  $ExportMisalignmentCameras( noParametersJustAnyText )

Available variables:

cameraSfmImage - an image index

connectionCount - number of connections

Available functions:

ExportMisalignmentCameraConnections - this functions exports information about the misalignment of the camera connections.


  $ExportMisalignmentCameraConnections( cameraSfmImage, anyText 


cameraSfmImage - an image index


neighborSfmImage - the neighboring image index

connectionStrength - the connection strength to the neighboring image


    Image index: $(cameraSfmImage)
    Connection count: $(connectionCount)
    $ExportMisalignmentCameraConnections( 1,
       Neighbor Image Index: $(neighborSfmImage)
       Connection strength: $(connectionStrength)

Available expression functions

ImageToCameraIndex - result is camera index of specified image.


  ImageToCameraIndex( imageIndex )


imageIndex - index of an image

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Function Sets

Functions sets and their functions, expressions and variables

Basic Functions

Project information, exporter scope, and basic function set

Images Scope

Learn how to export information about project images

Components Scope

Component export functions and variables

Scene Structure Scope

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Control Points and Constraints Scope

Check the list of control points and constraints functionalities

Models Scope

Learn how to generate model reports

Ortho Projection Scope

See the list of ortho projection export functions

Map Scope

See the list of map export functions