CPs and Constraints (Functions and Variables Available in the Reports)

Control Points and Constraints

IterateControlPoints - this function can be used to output basic information on all control points.


  $IterateControlPoints( noParametersJustAnyText )

Available variables:

controlPointId - an index of a control point

controlPointGUID - a GUID of the control point

controlPointName - a name of the control point

controlPointMeasurementsCount - the number of measurements (how many images the control point is assigned to)


    Index: $(controlPointId)
    GUID: $(controlPointGUID)
    Name: $(controlPointName)
    Images count: $(controlPointMeasurementsCount)

ExportControlPoints - this function has one function and several variables that can be used to output information on all control points.


  $ExportControlPoints( noParametersJustAnyText )

Available variables:

index - an index of the control point

name - a name of the control point

measurementCount - the number of measurements (how many images the control point is assigned to)

isGroundControl - true if it is a Ground control or Ground test, otherwise false

isGroundTest - true if it is a Ground test, otherwise false

calibrationType - 0 if it is a Tie point, 1 if it is a Ground control, and 2 it is a Ground test

inputCSName - a name of the input coordinate system of the control point

inputCSIsLatLon - true if the input coordinate system of the control point is Geographic, false if it is Cartesian

inputCSUnit - the unit of a coordinate system in which control point is places

inputCSUnitToMeter - the multiplicator used to convert units

inx - the input x coordinate in the input coordinate system of the control point (it is valid only if the coordinate system is Cartesian - inputCSIsLatLon variable is false)

iny - the input y coordinate in the input coordinate system of the control point (it is valid only if the coordinate system is Cartesian)

inz - the input z coordinate in the input coordinate system of the control point (it is valid only if the coordinate system is Cartesian)

inlat - the input latitude coordinate in the input coordinate system of the control point (it is valid only if the coordinate system is Geographic - inputCSIsLatLon variable is true)

inlon - the input longitude coordinate in the input coordinate system of the control point (it is valid only if the coordinate system is Geographic)

inalt - the input altitude coordinate in the input coordinate system of the control point (it is valid only if the coordinate system is Geographic)

euclidx - the input x coordinate in the Euclidean coordinate system

euclidy - the input y coordinate in the Euclidean coordinate system

euclidz - the input z coordinate in the Euclidean coordinate system

x - the input x coordinate in the output coordinate system (it is valid only if the isGroundControl variable is true and the output coordinate system is Cartesian - isCoordSystemLatLon variable is false)

y - the input y coordinate in the output coordinate system (it is valid only if the isGroundControl variable is true and the output coordinate system is Cartesian)

z - the input z coordinate in the output coordinate system (it is valid only if the isGroundControl variable is true and the output coordinate system is Cartesian)

lat - the input latitude coordinate in the output coordinate system (it is valid only if the isGroundControl variable is true and the coordinate system is Geographic - isCoordSystemLatLon variable is true)

lon - the input longitude coordinate in the output coordinate system (it is valid only if the isGroundControl variable is true and the coordinate system is Geographic)

alt - the input altitude coordinate in the output coordinate system (it is valid only if the isGroundControl variable is true and the coordinate system is Geographic)

gpsLat - the input latitude coordinate in epsg:4326 - GPS (WGS 84) coordinate system (it is valid only if the control point is geo-referenced)

gpsLon - the input longitude coordinate in epsg:4326 - GPS (WGS 84) coordinate system (it is valid only if the control point is geo-referenced)

gpsAlt - the input altitude coordinate in epsg:4326 - GPS (WGS 84) coordinate system (it is valid only if the control point is geo-referenced)

weight - weight of the control point

hasUncertainty - true if prior precision for control point is defined

uncertaintySize - triangulation uncertainty in coordinate system units

uncertaintyVectorX - triangulation uncertainty in X axis

uncertaintyVectorY - triangulation uncertainty in Y axis

uncertaintyVectorZ - triangulation uncertainty in Z axis

inAccuracyX - prior accuracy for X coordinate

inAccuracyY - prior accuracy for Y coordinate

inAccuracyZ - prior accuracy for Z coordinate

inA1 - element a1,1 of the prior accuracy matrix (most often equal to inAccuracyX)

inA2 - element a1,2 of the prior accuracy matrix (most often equal to 0)

inA3 - element a1,3 of the prior accuracy matrix (most often equal to 0)

inA4 - element a2,1 of the prior accuracy matrix (most often equal to 0)

inA5 - element a2,2 of the prior accuracy matrix (most often equal to inAccuracyY)

inA6 - element a2,3 of the prior accuracy matrix (most often equal to 0)

inA7 - element a3,1 of the prior accuracy matrix (most often equal to 0)

inA8 - element a3,2 of the prior accuracy matrix (most often equal to 0)

inA9 - element a3,3 of the prior accuracy matrix (most often equal to inAccuracyZ)

isAligned - false before the alignation, true after the alignation

actualXInCS - the x coordinate in the input coordinate system

actualYInCS - the y coordinate in the input coordinate system

actualZInCS - the z coordinate in the input coordinate system

actualLatInCS - the latitude coordinate in the input coordinate system

actualLonInCS - the longitude coordinate in the input coordinate system

actualAltInCS - the altitude value in the input coordinate system

actualXEuclid - the x coordinate in the Euclidean coordinate system

actualYEuclid - the y coordinate in the Euclidean coordinate system

actualZEuclid - the z coordinate in the Euclidean coordinate system

actualX - the x coordinate of the actual position of the control point calculated during the alignation (it is valid only if the isAligned variable is true and the input coordinate system is Cartesian - inputCSIsLatLon variable is false)

actualY - the y coordinate of the actual position of the control point calculated during the alignation (it is valid only if the isAligned variable is true and the input coordinate system is Cartesian)

actualZ - the z coordinate of the actual position of the control point calculated during the alignation (it is valid only if the isAligned variable is true and the input coordinate system is Cartesian)

actualLat - the latitude coordinate of the actual position of the control point calculated during the alignation (it is valid only if the isAligned variable is true and the input coordinate system is Geographic - inputCSIsLatLon variable is true)

actualLon - the longitude coordinate of the actual position of the control point calculated during the alignation (it is valid only if the isAligned variable is true and the input coordinate system is Geographic)

actualAlt - the altitude coordinate of the actual position of the control point calculated during the alignation (it is valid only if the isAligned variable is true and the input coordinate system is Geographic)

actualGpsLat - the latitude coordinate of the actual position of the control point calculated during the alignation in epsg:4326 - GPS (WGS 84) coordinate system (it is valid only if the isAligned variable is true and if the component is geo-referenced)

actualGpsLon - the longitude coordinate of the actual position of the control point calculated during the alignation in epsg:4326 - GPS (WGS 84) coordinate system (it is valid only if the isAligned variable is true and if the component is geo-referenced)

actualGpsAlt - the altitude coordinate of the actual position of the control point calculated during the alignation in epsg:4326 - GPS (WGS 84) coordinate system (it is valid only if the isAligned variable is true and if the component is geo-referenced)

Available function:



  $ControlPointError( index, anyText )


index - an index of a control point: use function ExportControlPoints to get indexes of all control points (see the example below)

Available variables:

cpIndex - an index of a control point

cpError3D - total deviation: a distance between the calculated and the defined position of the control point in the input coordinate system units

cpErrorX - an alignment error in the X direction

cpErrorY - an alignment error in the Y direction

cpErrorZ - an alignment error in the Z direction

maxPlacementError - the maximal projection error: the maximal error for the calculated position, in pixels


    Index: $(index)
    Name: $(name)
    Number of measurements: $(measurementsCount)
    Ground control: $(isGroundControl)    
    Ground test: $(isGroundTest)    
    Calibration type: $(calibrationType)  
    Coordinate system name: $(inputCSName)    
    Geographic coordinate system: $(inputCSIsLatLon)    
    Input x: $(inx)    
    Input y: $(iny)    
    Input z: $(inz)    
    Input lat: $(inlat)    
    Input lon: $(inlon)    
    Input alt: $(inalt)    
    Euclidean x: $(euclidx)    
    Euclidean y: $(euclidy)    
    Euclidean z: $(euclidz)
    Input x in output coordinate system: $(x)    
    Input y in output coordinate system: $(y)    
    Input z in output coordinate system: $(z)    
    Input lat in output coordinate system: $(lat)    
    Input lon in output coordinate system: $(lon)    
    Input alt in output coordinate system: $(alt)
    Input lat in epsg:4326 - GPS (WGS 84) coordinate system: $(lat)
    Input lon in epsg:4326 - GPS (WGS 84) coordinate system: $(lon)
    Input alt in epsg:4326 - GPS (WGS 84) coordinate system: $(alt)
    Weight: $(weight)
    isAligned: $(isAligned)
    actualx: $(actualx)
    actualy: $(actualy)
    actualz: $(actualz)
    actualLat: $(actualLat)
    actualLon: $(actualLon)
    actualAlt: $(actualAlt)
    actualLat in epsg:4326 - GPS (WGS 84) coordinate system: $(actualGpsLat)
    actualLon in epsg:4326 - GPS (WGS 84) coordinate system: $(actualGpsLon)
    actualAlt in epsg:4326 - GPS (WGS 84) coordinate system: $(actualGpsAlt)
    $ControlPointError( index,
      Index: $(cpIndex)    
      Total deviation: $(cpError3D)    
      Error X: $(cpErrorX)    
      Error Y: $(cpErrorY)    
      Error Z: $(cpErrorZ)    
      Maximal projection error: $(maxPlacementError)    

ExportControlPointsMeasurements - this function iterates all measurements of all control points. For each control point it exports all images to which a given control point has been assigned.


  $ExportControlPointsMeasurements( noParametersJustAnyText )

Available variables:

measurementIndex - a measurement index

pointIndex - a control point index

imageIndex - an image index

pointName - the control point name

imagePath - the image path

imageName - the image name

imageExt - the image extension

x - the x coordinate of the control point projected to the image in pixels

y - the y coordinate of the control point projected to the image in pixels

inAccuracyX - expected accuracy of manually placed control point in the image (in pixels)

inAccuracyY - expected accuracy of manually placed control point in the image (in pixels)

inAccuracyAngle - rotation of the inaccuracy region (can be calculated when using automatic markers detection)

Available function:



  $ImageMeasurementError( pointIndex, measurementIndex, anyText )


pointIndex - an index of a control point: use the ExportControlPointsMeasurements function to get indexes of all control points (see the example below)

measurementIndex - an index of a measurement: use function ExportControlPointsMeasurements to get indexes of all measurements (see the example below)

Available variables:

measurementError - deviation: an error between the projected and the defined measurement positions, in pixels

measurementId - an index of the measurement


    Measurement index: $(measurementIndex)
    Control point index: $(pointIndex)
    Image index: $(imageIndex)
    Control point name: $(pointName)
    Image path: $(imagePath)
    Image name: $(imageName)
    Image extension: $(imageExt)
    x: $(x)
    y: $(y)
    $ImageMeasurementError( pointIndex, measurementIndex,
      Measurement error: $(measurementError)
      Measurement index: $(measurementId)

IterateMeasurements - this function iterates all measurements of a control point. It exports all images which the given control point has been assigned to.


  $IterateMeasurements( controlPointId, anyText )


controlPointId - an index of a control point: use the IterateControlPoints function to get indexes of all control points (see the example below)

Available variables:

measurementIndex - a measurement index

measurementImage - an image index

measurementFeature - an index of the control point in the image

measurementImageX - the x coordinate of the control point projected to the image in pixels

measurementImageY - the y coordinate of the control point projected to the image in pixels


    $IterateMeasurements( controlPointId,
      Measurement index: $(measurementIndex)
      Image index: $(measurementImage)
      Index of the control point in the image: $(measurementFeature)
      x: $(measurementImageX)
      y: $(measurementImageY)

ExportDistanceConstraints - this function has several variables that can be used to output information on all or just the selected distance constraints.


  $ExportDistanceConstraints( noParametersJustAnyText )

Available variables:

constraintName - a name of the distance constraint

pointA - the first endpoint of the distance constraint

pointB - the second endpoint of the distance constraint

Enable - true if the distance constraint should be used in calculations, otherwise false

definedDistance - a user-defined distance between two endpoints

definedAccuracy - prior accuracy of the defined distance between two endpoints

calculatedDistance - the calculated distance between two endpoints

distanceError - calculatedDistance minus definedDistance

constraintCS - a coordinate system in which constraint is located

constraintCSUnit - the unit of a coordinate system in which constraint is located

constraintCSUnitShort - a short version of the unit's name

constraintCSUnitToMeter - the multiplicator used to convert units

InCurrentComponent - true if each endpoint is projected to at least one image registered in the selected component, otherwise false


    Constraint name: $(constraintName)
    Point A: $(pointA)
    Point B: $(pointB)
    Enable: $(Enable)
    Defined distance: $(definedDistance)
    Calculated distance: $(calculatedDistance)
    Distance error: $(distanceError)
    InCurrentComponent: $(InCurrentComponent)

DistanceConstraintError - this function has several variables that can be used to output information on all or just the selected distance constraints.


  $DistanceConstraintError( index, anyText )


index - the index value of a distance constraint

Available variables:

constraintError - calculatedDistance minus definedDistance of the chosen distance constraint


  $DistanceConstraintError( 1, 
    Error: $(constraintError)

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