Models (Functions and Variables Available in the Reports)


IterateModels - this function can be used to output basic information on all models in a component.


  $IterateModels( componentGUID, anyText )


componentGUID - a GUID of a component: use the IterateComponents function to get GUIDs of all components (see the example below)

Available variables:

modelGUID - a GUID of a model

modelName - a name of the model

modelTrianglesCount - a number of triangles in the model

modelVerticesCount - a number of vertices in the model


    $IterateModels( "$(componentGUID)",
      Model GUID: $(modelGUID)
      Model name: $(modelName)
      Triangles count: $(modelTrianglesCount)
      Vertices count: $(modelVerticesCount)

ExportModels - this function can be used to output detailed information on all models in the selected component.


  $ExportModels( noParametersJustAnyText )

Available variables:

modelName - a name of the model

modelGuid - a GUID of the model

modelTriangleCount - a number of triangles in the model

modelVertexCount - a number of vertices in the model

modelPartCount - a number of parts of the model

modelUnitSize - a size of the unit

modelUnits - the unit name

modelIsColored - true if the model is colored, otherwise false

modelIsTextured - true if the model is textured, otherwise false

Available functions:

ExportTextureInfo - information about the model's texture layers.


  $ExportTextureInfo( noParametersJustAnyText )

Available variables:

selectedTextureLayerGuid - index value of the selected texture layer

modelTextureLayerCount - number of texture layers a model has

modelUnwrapStyle - unwrapping style

modelTextureCount - textures' count

modelTextureResolutionX - texture width

modelTextureResolutionY - texture height

modelGutterSize - charts' gutter size

modelTextureUtilization - texture utilization (with gutter)

modelOptimalTexelSize - the optimal texel size

modelTextureQuality - texture quality

modelTexelSize - a texel size

Available functions:

IterateTextureLayers - iterate through texture layers.


  $IterateTextureLayers( noParametersJustAnyText )

Available variables:

textureLayerGuid - index value of a texture layer

ExportTextureLayerInfo - export information about the texture layer.


  $ExportTextureLayerInfo( textureLayerGuid, anyText )


textureLayerGuid - index value of a texture layer

Available variables:

textureLayerGuid - index value of a texture layer

textureLayerStyle - texturing style that was used to create this texture layer

textureLayerType - type of the texture layer

textureLayerName - name of the texture layer

textureLayerPixelFormat - the pixel format of a texture layer

textureLayerHasInputLayer - if a texture layer was used, it will return value "true" (otherwise "false")

textureLayerInputLayer - image layer that was used to create a texture layer

textureLayerHasSourceModel - if texture layer was created with the Texture reprojection tool and it has an information about the source model, it will return value "true" (otherwise "false")

textureLayerSourceModelGuid - index of the source model

textureLayerHasSourceLayer - if texture layer was created with the Texture reprojection tool and it has an information about the source layer, it will return value "true" (otherwise "false")

textureLayerSourceLayerGuid - index of the source layer

textureLayerTime - time it took to calculate a texture layer



  $ModelStats( modelGuid, anyText )



Available variables:

modelDepthMapsTime - depth-map computation time in seconds

modelMeshingTime - meshing time in seconds

modelPostprocessTime - post-processing time in seconds

modelColoringTime - coloring time in seconds

modelUnwrapTime - unwrapping time in seconds



  $ModelSettings( modelGuid, anyText )



Available variables:

modelQuality - a quality level

modelImageDownscaleFactor - an image downscale factor for depth maps

Example (note that ":.xf" is used to round a decimal number to x decimal places):


    Model name: $(modelName)
    Model GUID: $(modelGuid)
    Triangles count: $(modelTriangleCount)
    Vertices count: $(modelVertexCount)
    Parts count: $(modelPartCount)
    Unit size: $(modelUnitSize)
    Units: $(modelUnits)
    Colored: $(modelIsColored)
    Textured: $(modelIsTextured)

      Texturing style: $(modelTextureStyle)
      Unwrapping style: $(modelUnwrapStyle)
      Textures count: $(modelTextureCount)
      Texture resolution: $(modelTextureResolutionX) x $(modelTextureResolutionY)
      Charts gutter size: $(modelGutterSize) texels
      Texture utilization: $(modelTextureUtilization * 100 :.0f)%
      Optimal texel size: $(modelOptimalTexelSize:.6f) units per texel
      Texture quality: $(modelTextureQuality * 100 :.0f)%
      Texel size: $(modelTexelSize:.6f) units per texel

    $ModelStats( "$(modelGuid)",
      Depth-map computation time: $(modelDepthMapsTimeStr) ($(modelDepthMapsTime)s)
      Meshing time: $(modelMeshingTimeStr) ($(modelMeshingTime)s)
      Post-processing time: $(modelPostprocessTimeStr) ($(modelPostprocessTime)s)
      Coloring time: $(modelColoringTimeStr) ($(modelColoringTime)s)
      Unwrapping time: $(modelUnwrapTimeStr) ($(modelUnwrapTime)s)
      Texturing time: $(modelTexturingTimeStr) ($(modelTexturingTime)s)
      Overall processing time: $(modelTotalTimeStr) ($(modelTotalTime)s)

    $ModelSettings( "$(modelGuid)",
      Quality level: $(modelQuality)
      Image downscale factor: $(modelImageDownscaleFactor)


RenderMesh - exports an image of the model as a separate file.


  $RenderMesh( modelGuid, “filepath”, width, height, cameraIndex )
  $RenderMesh( modelGuid, “filepath”, width, height, cameraIndex, textureLayerGuid )


modelGuid - index of the model

filePath - path relative to attachment folder or path in format global://globalPathToFile

width - width of the rendered image

height - height of the rendered image

cameraIndex - index of the camera from which the image will be rendered (use value -1 to render automatically from a camera that has a good overview of the model)

textureLayerGuid - index of the texture layer. This is an optional parameter, and if it is not specified and the model is textured, the texture layer is set to the selected texture layer.

RenderMeshFromCustomPositionYPR - render an image of the model from the custom position and camera rotation.


   $RenderMeshFromCustomPositionYPR( modelGUID, "outputFile", width, height, focalLength, x, y, z, yaw, pitch, roll )
   $RenderMeshFromCustomPositionYPR( modelGUID, "outputFile", width, height, focalLength, x, y, z, yaw, pitch, roll, textureLayerGUID )


modelGuid - index of the model

outputFile - the full path with the format extension of the rendered image

width - width of the rendered image in pixels

height - height of the rendered image in pixels

focalLength - focal length of the rendered image

x - the X coordinate of the camera

y - the Y coordinate of the camera

z - the Z coordinate of the camera

yaw - camera's yaw rotation

pitch - camera's pitch rotation

roll - camera's roll rotation

textureLayerGUID - index of the texture layer that is going to be used in the rendered image


      $IterateModels( "$(componentGUID)",
         $RenderMeshFromCustomPositionYPR( "$(modelGUID)", 
            "renderMesh.png", 6000, 4000, 24, -21, 19, 17, 0, 90, 0

RenderMeshFromCustomPositionLookAt - render an image of the model from the custom position while looking at the custom position.


   $RenderMeshFromCustomPositionLookAt( modelGUID, "outputFile", width, height, focalLength, x, y, z, atX, atY, atZ )
   $RenderMeshFromCustomPositionLookAt( modelGUID, "outputFile", width, height, focalLength, x, y, z, atX, atY, atZ, upX, upY, upZ )
   $RenderMeshFromCustomPositionLookAt( modelGUID, "outputFile", width, height, focalLength, x, y, z, atX, atY, atZ, upX, upY, upZ, textureLayerGUID )


modelGuid - index of the model

outputFile - the full path with the format extension of the rendered image

width - width of the rendered image in pixels

height - height of the rendered image in pixels

focalLength - focal length of the rendered image

x - the X coordinate of the camera

y - the Y coordinate of the camera

z - the Z coordinate of the camera

atX - the X coordinate of the position towards which the camera will be looking at

atY - the Y coordinate of the position towards which the camera will be looking at

atZ - the Z coordinate of the position towards which the camera will be looking at

upX - the X coordinate that defines the up-vector

upY - the Y coordinate that defines the up-vector

upZ - the Z coordinate that defines the up-vector

textureLayerGUID - index of the texture layer that is going to be used in the rendered image


      $IterateModels( "$(componentGUID)",
         $RenderMeshFromCustomPositionLookAt( "$(modelGUID)", 
            "global://D:\\Project\\Render\\renderMesh.jpg", 6000, 4000, 24, 120, 95, 25, 0, 10, 15, 0, 0, 1)

Available expression functions

GetNumberOfModels - returns a number of models created under a certain component.


  GetNumberOfModels( componentGuid )


componentGuid - a GUID of a component

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Function Sets

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Basic Functions

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Images Scope

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Components Scope

Component export functions and variables

Camera Scope

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Scene Structure Scope

Learn how to add custom point statics to reports

Control Points and Constraints Scope

Check the list of control points and constraints functionalities

Ortho Projection Scope

See the list of ortho projection export functions

Map Scope

See the list of map export functions