Map (Functions and Variables Available in the Reports)


ExportMap - this function creates and saves a map cutout.


  $ExportMap( mapSourceIndex or "mapSourceName", destinationImagePath, lonWest, lonEast, latSouth, latNorth, width, height )


mapSourceIndex or "mapSourceName" - the ID value or the full name of the map provider that can be found in the mapproviders.xml located in the installation folder.

destinationImagePath - path relative to attachment folder or path in format global://globalPathToFile

lonWest - the west longitude coordinate value that is going to create a boundary for a map cutout ( lonWest cannot be the same as lonEast)

lonEast - the east longitude coordinate value that is going to create a boundary for a map cutout ( lonEast cannot be the same as lonWest)

latSouth - the south latitude coordinate value that is going to create a boundary for a map cutout (-90 <= latSouth, latNorth <= 90, latSouth < latNorth)

latNorth - the north latitude coordinate value that is going to create a boundary for a map cutout (-90 <= latSouth, latNorth <= 90, latSouth < latNorth)

width - width of the map image

height - height of the map image

GetExportedMapInfo - this function creates and saves a map cutout.


  $GetExportedMapInfo( mapFilepath, anyText )


mapFilePath or "mapSourceName" - path to the map saved in this report export session. Should be the same path as used in ExportMap.

Available variables:

requestedWest - the west longitude coordinate value that was set to create a boundary for a map cutout

requestedEast - the east longitude coordinate value that was set to create a boundary for a map cutout

requestedSouth - the south latitude coordinate value that was set to create a boundary for a map cutout

requestedNorth - the north latitude coordinate value that was set to create a boundary for a map cutout

exportedWest - the west longitude coordinate value that creates a boundary of the exported map

exportedEast - the east longitude coordinate value that creates a boundary of the exported map

exportedSouth - the south latitude coordinate value that creates a boundary of the exported map

exportedNorth - the north latitude coordinate value that creates a boundary of the exported map

Available expression functions

MapProviderCredentialsAreValid - result is a BOOL value (true/false). In case the provider is valid, returns value "true".


  MapProviderCredentialsAreValid( mapSourceIndex or "mapSourceName" )


mapSourceIndex or "mapSourceName" - the ID value or the full name of the map provider that can be found in the mapproviders.xml located in the installation folder.

MapProviderCredentialsAreNeeded - result is a BOOL value (true/false). In case the credentials are needed, returns value "true".


  MapProviderCredentialsAreNeeded( mapSourceIndex or "mapSourceName" )


mapSourceIndex or "mapSourceName" - the ID value or the full name of the map provider that can be found in the mapproviders.xml located in the installation folder.

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Check the list of control points and constraints functionalities

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