GetImageInfo - this function has several variables that can be used to output basic information on an image.
$GetImageInfo( filePath, anyText )
filePath - a path to an image
Available variables:
width - the image width
height - the image height
ratio - aspect ratio: width divided by height
relWidth - it has value 1 if the width is bigger than the height, otherwise it equals to the ratio
relHeight - it has value 1 if the height is bigger than the width, otherwise it equals to the ratio
$IterateOrthoProjections( $SaveOrtho( "$(orthoGuid)", "color", "ortho_$(orthoIndex)_color.jpg", 800, 800 ) $GetImageInfo( "ortho_$(orthoIndex)_color.jpg", orthoName: $(orthoName), width: $(width), height: $(height), ratio: $(ratio), relWidth: $(relWidth), relHeight: $(relHeight) ) )
IterateImages - this function has several variables that can be used to output information on each input in a project.
$IterateImages( noParametersJustAnyText )
Available variables:
inputImageName - a file name without an extension
inputImageExt - the image extension
inputImagePath - the absolute path without the file name
inputIndex - the index
inputWidth - the width
inputHeight - the height
inputIsAligned - information about alignment of the image
inputCameraIndex - displays camera's index if image was aligned (otherwise displays value -1
inputAlignmentEnabled - provides a true or false value based on the availability of inputs during the alignment process. If the input is enabled for alignment, the value will return true.
inputMeshingEnabled - provides a true or false value based on the availability of inputs during the meshing process. If the input is enabled for meshing, the value will return true.
inputTexturingEnabled - provides a true or false value based on the availability of inputs during the coloring and texturing processes. If the input is enabled for coloring and texturing, the value will return true.
ExportImagePriors - this function has several variables that can be used to output prior information on individual inputs in the project based on the inputIndex.
$ExportImagePriors( srcImage, anyText )
Available variables:
inputIsGeoreferenced - true if the input file is geo-referenced, otherwise false
inputIsLatLong - true if the coordinate system of the input file is Geographic, false if it is Cartesian
inputIsPointCloud - true if the input file is from a laser-scanner point cloud, otherwise false
inputCalibrationPriorType - type of calibration priors (Unknown, Approximate, Fixed)
inputIsPositionPrior - true if the prior position is defined
inputX - the x coordinate of a camera position (it is valid only if the input coordinate system is Cartesian - inputIsLatLong variable is false)
inputY - the y coordinate of the camera position (it is valid only if the input coordinate system is Cartesian)
inputZ - the z coordinate of the camera position (it is valid only if the input coordinate system is Cartesian)
inputLat - the latitude coordinate of the camera position (it is valid only if the input coordinate system is Geographic - inputIsLatLong variable is true)
inputLon - the longitude coordinate of the camera position (it is valid only if the input coordinate system is Geographic)
inputAlt - the altitude coordinate of the camera position (it is valid only if the input coordinate system is Geographic)
inputXOutCS - the X value from the input coordinate system in the output coordinate system
inputYOutCS - the Y value from the input coordinate system in the output coordinate system
inputZOutCS - the Z value from the input coordinate system in the output coordinate system
inputLatOutCS - the latitude value from the input coordinate system in the output coordinate system
inputLonOutCS - the longitude value from the input coordinate system in the output coordinate system
inputAltOutCS - the altitude value from the input coordinate system in the output coordinate system
inputXEuclid - the X value from the input coordinate system in the Euclidean coordinate system
inputYEuclid - the Y value from the input coordinate system in the Euclidean coordinate system
inputZEuclid - the Z value from the input coordinate system in the Euclidean coordinate system
inputCS - a coordinate system in which camera took the image
inputCSUnit - the unit of a coordinate system in which camera took the image
inputCSUnitShort - a short version of the unit's name
inputCSUnitToMeter - the multiplicator used to convert units
inputIsOrientationPrior - true if the prior rotation is defined via Yaw, Pitch, Roll angles
inputYaw - prior rotation angle Yaw (around y axis)
inputPitch - prior rotation angle Pitch (around x axis)
inputRoll - prior rotation angle Roll (around z axis)
inputIsOpkRotationPrior - true if the prior rotation is defined via Omega, Phi, Kappa
inputOmega - prior rotation angle Omega
inputPhi - prior rotation angle Phi
inputKappa - prior rotation angle Kappa
inputIsPriorAccuracy - true if prior position and orientation accuracy is defined
inputAccuracyX - prior accuracy for X (longitude) coordinate
inputAccuracyY - prior accuracy for Y (latitude) coordinate
inputAccuracyZ - prior accuracy for Z (altitude) coordinate
inputAccuracyYaw - prior accuracy for rotation angle Yaw (Omega)
inputAccuracyPitch - prior accuracy for rotation angle Pitch (Phi)
inputAccuracyRoll - prior accuracy for rotation angle Roll (Kappa)
inputIsInsOffsetValid - true if offset between camera center and position sensor is defined
inputInsOfsX - camera offset in X axis
inputInsOfsY - camera offset in Y axis
inputInsOfsZ - camera offset in Z axis
inputInsOfsYaw - camera offset in Yaw rotation angle
inputInsOfsPitch - camera offset in Pitch rotation angle
inputInsOfsRoll - camera offset in Roll rotation angle
calibrationGroup - prior calibration to which image belongs
distortionGroup - prior distortion to which image belongs
inputF - a focal length (prior calibration)
inputPX - the principal point x (prior calibration)
inputPY - the principal point y (prior calibration)
inputAspect - aspect ratio (prior calibration)
inputSkew - input skew coefficient (prior calibration)
inputK1 - radial 1 (prior calibration)
inputK2 - radial 2 (prior calibration)
inputK3 - radial 3 (prior calibration)
inputK4 - radial 4 (prior calibration)
inputT1 - tangential 1 (prior calibration)
inputT2 - tangential 2 (prior calibration)
inputLensModel - input lens distortion model (prior lens distortion)
inputLensModelIndex - input lens distortion model index
$IterateImages( Image name: $(inputImageName) Extension: $(inputImageExt) Path: $(inputImagePath) Index: $(inputIndex) Width: $(inputWidth) Height: $(inputHeight) $ExportImagePriors(inputIndex, Geo-referenced: $(inputIsGeoreferenced) LatLong: $(inputIsLatLong) PointCloud: $(inputIsPointCloud) Calibration prior type: $(inputCalibrationPriorType) Lat: $(inputLat) Lon: $(inputLon) Alt: $(inputAlt) X: $(inputX) Y: $(inputY) Z: $(inputZ) Focal length: $(inputF) Principal point x: $(inputPX) Principal point y: $(inputPY) Radial 1: $(inputK1) Radial 2: $(inputK2) Radial 3: $(inputK3) Radial 4: $(inputK4) Tangential 1: $(inputT1) Tangential 2: $(inputT2) Aspect ratio: $(inputAspect) ) )
SaveImage - this function saves an image.
$SaveImage( srcImage, dstImageFileName ) or $SaveImage( srcImage, dstImageFileName, maxWidth, maxHeight )
srcImage - an image index (a number without quotes) or an image file path (a string with quotes): use the IterateImages function to get indexes of all inputs (see the example below)
dstImageFileName - a path where to store the image
maxWidth - if the image width is bigger than maxWidth, then the image will be scaled so that its width is equal to or less than maxWidth. To keep the original dimensions, use a negative number.
maxHeight - if the image height is bigger than maxHeight, then the image will be scaled so that its height is equal to or less than maxHeight. To keep the original dimensions, use a negative number.
$IterateImages( $SaveImage( inputIndex, "$(inputImageName)$(inputImageExt)", -1, -1 ) )
ExportImageResolutionStats - this function can be used to output all image resolutions with image counts.
$ExportImageResolutionStats( noParametersJustAnyText )
Available variables:
imageWidth - an image width
imageHeight - the image height
imageCount - a number of images with the width equal to the imageWidth and with the height equal to the imageHeight
$ExportImageResolutionStats( Image width: $(imageWidth) Image height: $(imageHeight) Number of images: $(imageCount) )
Learn how to create custom report templates
Functions sets and their functions, expressions and variables
Project information, exporter scope, and basic function set
Component export functions and variables
Learn how to get information about cameras
Learn how to add custom point statics to reports
Check the list of control points and constraints functionalities
Learn how to generate model reports
See the list of ortho projection export functions
See the list of map export functions