ExportPoints - this function can be used to output information on each registered point.
$ExportPoints( noParametersJustAnyText )
Available variables:
index - a point index
trackLength - a number of images where the point has been tracked
x - the x coordinate of the point in the output coordinate system
y - the y coordinate of the point in the output coordinate system
z - the z coordinate of the point in the output coordinate system
euclidX - the X coordinate of the point in the Euclidean coordinate system
euclidY - the Y coordinate of the point in the Euclidean coordinate system
euclidXZ - the Z coordinate of the point in the Euclidean coordinate system
aX - the X coordinate of the point in the component coordinate system
aY - the Y coordinate of the point in the component coordinate system
aZ - the Z coordinate of the point in the component coordinate system
r - the red component of the point's RGB color, it ranges from 0 to 255
g - the green component of the point's RGB color, it ranges from 0 to 255
b - the blue component of the point's RGB color, it ranges from 0 to 255
Available function:
ExportTrack - this function iterates all images where the point has been tracked
$ExportTrack( noParametersJustAnyText )
Available variables:
featureIndex - an index of a point in an image
imageIndex - the image index
x - the x coordinate of the point in the image normalized to range from -0.5 to 0.5
y - the y coordinate of the point in the image normalized to range from -0.5 to 0.5
scale - it has the same value as the bigger one from the width and height variables
width - the image width
height - the image height
$ExportPoints( Point index: $(index) Number of images: $(trackLength) x: $(x) y: $(y) z: $(z) r: $(r) g: $(g) b: $(b) $ExportTrack( Feature index: $(featureIndex) Image index: $(imageIndex) Projected x (normalized): $(x) Projected y (normalized): $(y) Image scale: $(scale) Image width: $(width) Image height: $(height) Projected x [pixels]: $(x * scale + width * 0.5) Projected y [pixels]: $(y * scale + height * 0.5) ) )
ExportPointsEx - this function can be used to output information on specified registered points.
$ExportPointsEx( flags, minTrack, maxTrack, anyText ))
flags - possibilities:
active - active in reconstruction
ill - apical angle is smaller than a minimal requirement
outlier - invalid projection
weak - unverified two-view point
fixed - point coordinate is fixed and cannot be moved
selected - selected points
hidden - hidden points
minTrack - a minimal number of images where the point has been tracked
maxTrack - a maximal number of images where the point has been tracked
Available variables:
index - a point index
trackLength - a number of images where the point has been tracked
x - the x coordinate of the point in the output coordinate system
y - the y coordinate of the point in the output coordinate system
z - the z coordinate of the point in the output coordinate system
euclidX - the X coordinate of the point in the Euclidean coordinate system
euclidY - the Y coordinate of the point in the Euclidean coordinate system
euclidXZ - the Z coordinate of the point in the Euclidean coordinate system
aX - the X coordinate of the point in the component coordinate system
aY - the Y coordinate of the point in the component coordinate system
aZ - the Z coordinate of the point in the component coordinate system
r - the red component of the point's RGB color, it ranges from 0 to 255
g - the green component of the point's RGB color, it ranges from 0 to 255
b - the blue component of the point's RGB color, it ranges from 0 to 255
Available function:
ExportTrack - this function iterates all images where the point has been tracked
$ExportTrack( noParametersJustAnyText )
Available variables:
featureIndex - an index of a point in an image
imageIndex - the image index
x - the x coordinate of the point in the image normalized to range from -0.5 to 0.5
y - the y coordinate of the point in the image normalized to range from -0.5 to 0.5
scale - it has the same value as the bigger one from the width and height variables
width - the image width
height - the image height
$ExportPointsEx("selected", 1, 5, Point index: $(index) Number of images: $(trackLength) x: $(x) y: $(y) z: $(z) r: $(r) g: $(g) b: $(b) $ExportTrack( Feature index: $(featureIndex) Image index: $(imageIndex) Projected x (normalized): $(x) Projected y (normalized): $(y) Image scale: $(scale) Image width: $(width) Image height: $(height) Projected x [pixels]: $(x * scale + width * 0.5) Projected y [pixels]: $(y * scale + height * 0.5) ) )
ExportMisalignmentPoints - this function can be used to export point indices and their misalignments.
$ExportMisalignmentPoints( noParametersJustAnyText )
Available variables:
index - the point index
misalignment - the misalignment of a point
$ExportMisalignmentPoints( Index: $(index) Misalignment: $(misalignment) )
TiePointsHistogram - this function can be used to output histogram of the maximal tie points errors. For each tie point, there is its maximal projection error (a projection to the image with the highest error) in pixels.
$TiePointsHistogram( componentGUID, stepSize, stepCount, anyText )
componentGUID - a GUID of a component: use the IterateComponents function to get GUIDs of all components (see the example below)
stepSize - a size of a step, i.e. bin size (positive double)
stepCount - a number of steps (bins)
Available variables:
histTotalSum - a number of tie points with a projection error from the interval: [ 0, stepSize * stepCount )
histMaxCount - the maximal histCount among all steps (it is the same in all steps)
histMinValue - the minimal value of the histogram (vertical axis)
histMaxValue - the maximal value of the histogram (vertical axis)
histStepCount - a number of steps that was defined
histIndex - an index of the current step (the first step has index 0, the last step has index stepCount - 1)
histCount - a number of tie points with a projection error from the interval: [ histValue - stepSize, histValue )
histValue - the upper bound of the current interval, i.e. a projection error of each tie point in the current step is lower than histValue and higher or equal to histValue - stepSize
histCumsum - a cumulative sum of this and all previous histCounts, it will be equal to histTotalSum no later than in the last step
$IterateComponents( $TiePointsHistogram( "$(componentGUID)", 0.5, 5, Total sum: $(histTotalSum) Index: $(histIndex) Count: $(histCount) Upper bound value: $(histValue) Cumulative sum: $(histCumsum) Max count: $(histMaxCount) ) )
TracksStats - this function can be used to output a histogram of tie points track lengths.
$TracksStats( componentGUID, stepSize, stepCount, anyText )
componentGUID - a GUID of a component: use the IterateComponents function to get GUIDs of all components (see the example below)
stepSize - a size of a step, i.e. bin size (positive double): it is possible to use a decimal number, but track lengths are always integers, so if it is set to number equal to or less than 0.5, there will be some steps with zero tie points for sure
stepCount - a number of steps (bins)
Available variables:
histTotalSum - a number of tie points with a track length from the interval: [ 0, stepSize * stepCount )
histMaxCount - the maximal histCount among all steps (it is the same in all steps)
histMinValue - the minimal value of the histogram (vertical axis)
histMaxValue - the maximal value of the histogram (vertical axis)
histStepCount - a nmumber of steps that was defined
histIndex - an index of the current step (the first step has index 0, the last step has index stepCount - 1)
histCount - a number of tie points with a track length from the interval: [ histValue - stepSize, histValue )
histValue - the upper bound of the current interval, i.e. a track length of each tie point in the current step is lower than histValue and higher or equal to histValue - stepSize
histCumsum - a cumulative sum of this and all previous histCounts, it will be equal to histTotalSum no later than in the last step
$IterateComponents( $TracksStats( "$(componentGUID)", 1, 17, Total sum: $(histTotalSum) Index: $(histIndex) Count: $(histCount) Upper bound value: $(histValue) Cumulative sum: $(histCumsum) Max count: $(histMaxCount) ) )
GetPointCount - result is number of points which can be seen by at least one selected camera, with specified flags and which is seen by at least minimal number of set track, and at most maximal number of set tracks.
GetPointCount( flags, minTrack, maxTrack )
flags - possibilities:
active - active in reconstruction
ill - apical angle is smaller than a minimal requirement
outlier - invalid projection
weak - unverified two-view point
fixed - point coordinate is fixed and cannot be moved
selected - selected points
hidden - hidden points
minTrack - a minimal number of images where the point has been tracked
maxTrack - a maximal number of images where the point has been tracked
Learn how to create custom report templates
Functions sets and their functions, expressions and variables
Project information, exporter scope, and basic function set
Learn how to export information about project images
Component export functions and variables
Learn how to get information about cameras
Check the list of control points and constraints functionalities
Learn how to generate model reports
See the list of ortho projection export functions
See the list of map export functions